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13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Shorter 'Washington Po... · 6 replies · +10 points

Rush blew it big time on this one. He could have very easily pointed out that this women is typical of the Democratic base. If she wants something it should be given to her. If people don't want to give it to her then the Federal Government should force them to give it to her. Instead he calls her a name and gives Obama a chance to change the discussion.

Very simply the Catholic Church should not be required to give women birth control or abortions. Unfortunately that discussion has been lost in the name calling.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - Muslim Judge: 'The Fir... · 0 replies · +7 points

Check out the fighting words doctrine

13 years ago @ Big Government - Wednesday Open Thread:... · 3 replies · +1 points

I am more of a fan of Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration of Independence is what people rallied around.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - The Cuba Embargo: A Fo... · 0 replies · +5 points

Maybe the media need to watch this movie.
The Lost City with Andy Garcia. He is from Cuba and was five years old when Castro took power. Very well done but only made it to the independent theaters.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Imagine a Moratorium o... · 0 replies · +9 points

Look at what is happening in Detroit. People are taking their neighborhoods back.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Is Harrisbu... · 1 reply · +3 points

Only $610 million? Pikers!! Northside ISD in San Antonio is 1.6 billion in debt.

As someone with no kids who has only been back in town for a few years, I would love to know how we got to this point. My property taxes are high enough as it is. At some point it is going to destroy home owners in my neighborhood.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - General Vaught To Spec... · 0 replies · +4 points

You know I saw the "Green Berets". very little operational detail in movie. It did show how nasty the Viet Cong were. What I am seeing in the media on the Seal strikes looks like way too much information.

Edit. I guess nobody took the time to read the linked article. Down near the bottom
McRaven said Act of Valor began its life as a recruitment video that aimed to bring more minorities into the special forces.

Great! Affirmative action in the special forces. This will do more damage than any publicity.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - General Vaught To Spec... · 0 replies · +4 points

You know I saw the "Green Berets". very little operational detail in movie. It did show how nasty the Viet Cong were. What I am seeing in the media on the Seal strikes looks like way too much information.

Officers who were publicity hounds have gotten a lot of good military people killed.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - US Admiral Says Navy P... · 20 replies · +8 points

How strong is our military really? Since Reagan it has been going down hill fast with base closures, layoff, poor morale etc. Are the weapons really working the way they should? When was the last time they were actively tested. Yeah I know that cost money. As a certified Reagan hater I will give him this much, with the way he built up the military nobody would even discuss closing the straight. Wars happen when someone expects the other side to back down and they don't.

With all of the pacifists, isolationists etc Japan really believed that if the hit us real hard at the beginning of the war we would fold. A lot of people died because they were wrong. I am afraid the same thing will happen here.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Why Won't Hollywood Co... · 1 reply · +6 points

I would think it would come out like "A Dangerous Method". Very well researched by everyone involved. Excellent acting and it didn't pull punches about the morals of Jung and Freud. It just wasn't that entertaining. No real highs no real lows.

Alger Hiss is definitely an interesting character, I just don't see how you are going to make it interesting to anyone who is not already interested in the history of it.