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12 years ago @ - \">asd · 0 replies · +1 points

if you get your imei unlock, you ll have 2 options, either to restore your phone to 4.3 then jailbreak it using and have an untethered jailbroken officially unlocked device with working whatsapp/FB/Viber/.... etc with some exceptions of apps that need ios 5 or 6 to work, or you upgrade to 6.0.1 (you have shsh for that) and then jailbreak using the latest redsn0w , and having a tethered jailbroken officially unlocked i4 with all working apps, your choice :) , and yes you don't have to worry about keeping your 1.59.00 BB anymore AFTER having your phone officially unlocked thru itunes, that's a permanent factory unlock, but keeping track with always having your shsh saved is important to keep the possibility to downgrade for jailbreak sake

12 years ago @ - \">asd · 1 reply · +2 points

thanks slava :) , same to you too

12 years ago @ - \">asd · 11 replies · +2 points

ultrasn0w 1.2.7 doesn't work with iOS 4.3 even with a qualifying BB version 1.59 for i4 and 4.26/5.11/5.12/5.13 for the 3GS, probably because this iOS version hasn't been under attention for a long time, ultrasn0w works great with iOS 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.2.1 and 4.3.3, lately (as far as only one week ago) i faced the same problem with 2 phones, a 3GS and an i4 of my buddies who only have the same shsh saved as yours with a max of 4.3 only (no 4.3.x) then 6.0.1 directly, with 4.3 being the cut line for many apps to update/work like (whatsapp mainly, and skype / viber sporadically) you are stuck now to go back to 4.2.1 to have an untethered jailbroken unlocked i4 (where you ll not be able to use whatsapp and may be other apps) till an untethered jb for 6.0.1/6.0.2 is out, i m addressing the issue of ultrasn0w 1.2.7 to work with 4.3 now with MuscleNerd and i ll post back in this thread if something comes up, sorry for the inconvenience.....

12 years ago @ - · 1 reply · +2 points

another easy way if u have any sim card rather than the one of the locked carrier, insert it, then connect to itunes, you should get "congratulations! your phone has been unlocked" instead of "the sim appears to be not supported" , just a mention :)
note that this won't work. and also subarurider method too won't work if the phone has been activated using redsn0w (fake activation ticket) , in which case you ll have to use the "deactivate" option via SAM or redsn0w to avoid the need to restore

12 years ago @ - hamzah_akram Released ... · 1 reply · +8 points

lol, with the use of SAM u can see the network bars and carrier name more stable not only for few seconds, but in fact it is not working as the BB activation ticket is withdrawn immediately, that's what i was trying to tell him and others too :)

12 years ago @ - · 2 replies · +4 points

apparently, this is a normal behavior of the iphone 4S, owing to the fact that it already gives u the option to use the cellular data network to activate the phone so the BB does receive a temporary activation ticket from /lockdownd/ that allows the usage of the 3g data network (only for a limit of 1MB) and just for a limited period of time, normally this occurs within the /setup/ app during the initial activation, after the jailbreak and since you have the ability to install the Subscriber Artificial Module (SAM) that spoof the SIM data, imsi and SIMid, so it blocks the Apple splash screen (which is the start of the /setup/ app) and may keep the carrier bars and name instead of the "No service" or "Invalid sim" that u should get, but the Baseband activation ticket is just again withdrawn changing the UI lock state from false back to true as u can see here [Jan 22 04:42:01 4S lockdownd[38]: 3fc2bce8 determine_activation_state_new: Changing ui lock state from false to true] , i hope i put that simple & clear as i could and sorry for my long somewhat nerdy reply, but i was working on this issue just yesterday so i got urged to answer you back about it :)

13 years ago @ - \">asd · 2 replies · +2 points

probably your hosts file is directed to cydia or local host, plz check your hosts file, it can be found under /private/etc/hosts for mac or /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts in windows, hash all the values in there (add # in front of the values) and save it (needs to be running as administrator on win or to get the file out on the desktop edit then save then re-drag to the etc folder on mac) then flush your DNS (restart mac or pc if u don't know how to flush the DNS) then try the restore again and it ll work

13 years ago @ - \">asd · 1 reply · +2 points

Custom 5.0.1 ipsw using redns0w then pwned DFU mode using redsn0w then restore thru itunes then jailbreak and install cydia using redsn0w (this will activate your phone) then if -for any reason- u got hang on the apple logo (i can dedicate that this will happen from the error u just got thru the verbose boot) then use the boot tethered option thru redsn0w then when it boots search for "corona" in cydia and install it then reboot again then to unlock search ultrasn0w in cydia then install ultrasn0w then reboot (for safety) THEN enjoy :)

13 years ago @ - · 0 replies · +1 points

probably you have an edited/modified "hosts" file either manually or by tinyumbrella, find the "hosts" file and add "#" in front of and the local host, restart your laptop and try again

13 years ago @ - · 0 replies · +2 points

you need to use redsn0w to put the phone in the exploited dfu mode thru the "Pwned DFU" button in extras, then restore, not just manual dfu mode