you're right, but we do need the enhanced interrogation and keep quiet about it, because the left loves to make conservatives look like angry, vengeful, idiots.
We treat Our P.O.W's decently, other countries treat Our soldiers worse then dirt with torture, starvation, and many other forms of abuse to their minds and bodies and we are the bad guys??
We can't give them tea and crumpets and expect to get any info that way if that was all it took then go for it, but that isn't the way it is. We have to look out for our selves and our country and families.
To bad Reagan isn't still around, he was good. Don't tell me that We don't have one decent individual political or not to run in a conservative agenda and bring back the things I grew up with. The Democratic party was a good party as was the Republican, so if they can both get back to the original ideas of the parties both with their own ideas for the country and then both pull together after an election and put the people first and not some left or right agenda for their own political careers and power. We don't need to have a 3rd party unless they can't get their acts together and their heads on straight and if they can't let's annialate them at the poles next election.
Barack and his crew will destroy us and we let them by electing them over and over again, say good-by to the likes of Barney Franks, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and get someone who cares about us peons.
Term limits are also a great idea.
I'm with you Wall Street, Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue and surrounding areas need to become more honorable and accountable and if they don't then We need to get rid of all of them and get this country on track.
We have to stop electing the same crooked , greedy , lying politicians every time they run just because they can speak well or We like their looks or what ever you think when going into the ballot box to vote, the longer their in the more time they have to learn the ropes of Washington and put it to us again. It would be nice if they were all honorable and accountable for their actions.
why not then she cant say that she wasn't briefed and did know exactly what it was and it might keep her quiet for awhile, can we get Harry Reid in there with her.
you're exactly right, we should not feel that we have to deny our beliefs in God and Country, this is a great country and we have the forefather to thank for that. I don't get why so many think that we should be like Europe Our ancestors LEFT EUROPE and created a better place for all that want to come here legally. The American dream can still be achieved with hard work and determination, not welfare, all that system is, is the dumbing down of Americans and once they have done it all for you, you become one of their puppets. I have nothing against helping people and people being responsible for their own families instead of the state & federal government. Isn't that what our ancestors did, they didn't have welfare. Wake up America the government doesn't owe you a living and they're not set up for that. Lets get back to what made America great, The Constitution. plain and simple.