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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · +3 points

Ready to “SNAP”

Both the media and the public wonder how someone could get to the point where they “snap”...The “right” and the “left” are the problem...Those caught in the middle actually understand that “arguing creates no solutions and prevents progress”...Those of us who had no part in creating this mess are the hardest hit...We also understand that here in the “center”, the root causes and real solutions can be found...Stop with the self-righteous squabbling long enough to let common sense and reality find the surface...

Also found by searching : Realistic Solutions unheardinfo

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through May 13th · 0 replies · +1 points

I know he's busy, but doesn't Glenn Beck check on what is being said here? If he's going to issue a "public challenge", he should have the balls to have someone talk to the one trying to ACCEPT...Bring It...I'm willing to put what I offer in front of the public masses...I'm willing to be called whatever, as long as I can get the info heard and looked at...http://unheardinfo.blogspot.html "Realistic-Solutions-Now" was written in 2005, addresses Social Security and needs to be heard today...What do I need to do?

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through May 13th · 0 replies · +1 points

Try reading : and/or : Read "oldest to newest" in order to understand fully without taking any single points out of context...

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through May 13th · 3 replies · 0 points

I have unheard info I've been trying to bring out since 2003 and can't get anyone to even respond...Glenn Beck issued a challenge for "anyone" to appear with solutions and he threatens to "tear them apart"..."Try ME"...I'll take that challenge...As for a "National" group : More info Please...What "National" group? How can I find it?

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through May 13th · 0 replies · -4 points

Glenn Beck just issued a challenge...I want to accept, if he wants to try me...Here faceless people can hide behind a computer and pick at pieces taken out of context..."Hey Mr. Beck, TRY ME"...We can talk "off camera" first, if you don't want to be embarrassed by facts...

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 3 replies · +3 points

Update : Today I received a notice from the Social Security Administration, regarding the "Obama - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act...As stated in this notice : "ALL" who receive SSI AND "beneficiaries" shall receive a one time payment of $250, HOWEVER, those under 18 do not qualify...
My (5) y/o "special needs" son, who is receiving SSI "Survivors Benefits" because his mother just died at age 43 on March 30th and who just lost his own "Disability AND medi-cal coverage" and who will soon enter the foster care system because I can no longer care for him as a single father (51) - DOESN'T QUALIFY - but your buddy Sen. John McCain does qualify...I'm Pissed!!! "WE" need help, not a hand-out...$250 for us would have prevented the loss of my son to the system for another month...Will Mcain donate his, like he donates his SSI / Disability that he shouldn't be qualified for? Reality check folks...Not all of us hurting the most are "deadbeats"...

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 2 replies · +1 points

Ready to “SNAP”

Both the media and the public wonder how someone could get to the point where they “snap”...The “right” and the “left” are the problem...Those caught in the middle actually understand that “arguing creates no solutions and prevents progress”...Those of us who had no part in creating this mess are the hardest hit...We also understand that here in the “center”, the root causes and real solutions can be found...Stop with the self-righteous squabbling long enough to let common sense and reality find the surface...

Also found by searching : Realistic Solutions unheardinfo
NOTE : In order to understand each part, blogs need to be read “in order” - oldest to newest...

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +2 points

First ; to those of you who do not fit the following and can relate to what I say, this message is not meant for you...For the rest of you, Wake-Up!!!

Unless “you” are at least offering solutions, you are part of the problem...
Unless you are willing to at least help promote “possible solutions” for further examination, rather than merely except what is happening or complain without anything more to offer, you are part of the problem...
Unless “you” are willing to fight for the freedoms and rights you claim, you are part of the problem...
Unless “you” support those who fight, risking the loss of limbs or lives, so you can live in peace, you are part of the problem...
Unless you believe in giving support of “reducing need before eliminating funding”, “you” are part of the problem...
Unless “you” can understand that “we need solution development” and not more “divisive debate over need”, you are part of the problem...

When you look for points to disagree with others on, rather than focusing on the points you agree with, you are part of the problem...
When you choose to take a stand for or against choosing to see in black or white and ignore the existence of gray, much less colors, you are part of the problem...
When you only think of yourself and your current situation, without considering others or even think about yourself should your situation change drastically, you are part of the problem...
When you don't consider the repercussions of your actions, the far reaching effects and how “you may live to regret your choices”, you are part of the problem...

If “you” benefited from the “inter-net boom” of 1998/2000 and/or “inflated economic recovery” of 2001/2007 : Examples : equity loans during housing bubble, more debt than income, etc; you are part of the problem...
If you are incapable of understanding “cause and effect” and take personal responsibility for your part in the “cause”, that you are beginning to feel the “effects” of, you are part of the problem...

“Active ignorance” : Refusal to recognize the possible viability of differing views ; or, ignoring the existence of information that may or may not support your view, but may contribute to realistic solutions ; or, taking an oppositional position, while expecting someone else to develop solutions and refusing to examine options being offered...

To the “Informed Public”...No matter how much you think you know, there is so much more you don't...”You” ARE “wasting a perfectly good crisis”...

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +1 points

"Realistic Solutions unheardinfo", "real-solutions-now" are both me...I look forward to getting all input on my works (I've been working on bringing this out since 2003)...Please remember to read blog posts in order, oldest first...I know they're long, I tried to include as much as I could without putting people to sleep...Thanks for your attention...We need this stuff exposed and I only touched on part of what I can offer...Thanks again...Randy T.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +1 points

�I have included links on my 912 profile to both my myspace profile and blogspot "blogs"...I look forward to your input to my works...I've been working on this since 2003...I know the blogs are long...I tried to include as much as possible without putting people to sleep...Please remember to read in post in order (oldest first, posted at the bottom of the list & I can't change the order)...Thanks for the attention...Randy T.