Olympia has a SPENDING PROBLEM! They need counseling cause they won't admit that they have a problem! It is just like an alcoholic as they never admit to their problem until it is too late!
She didn't say anything about cutting pension programs and how much that has increased in the last 10 years. My child's tuition has gone up close to 50% the last 4 years. Olympia has a spending problem and they need COUNSELING! Remember Gary Locke and his gas tax was suppose to solve everything. Now more taxes on gas and more sales tax. On the latter Oregon can you hear me NOW! Does everybody know over 30% of the drivers out there have NO auto insurance. How about getting those people off the road and that will will help w/ some of the traffic. 2nd they need to drop the price on transit during peak times and you will get more people taking the bus, train, or carpooling which will keep the roads in better shape and hey it is environmentally friendly!
Does this surprise anyone? Boeing got what they wanted with the unions here in the Northwest in a long term contract so they will build most of their planes in Washington and South Carolina for the next couple of years at least without a work stoppage!
Hmmm can someone tell these people they could of received a 42 in tv for $299 on Black Friday!
This is going to be a failure because there will be less drivers on 520 so they won't be able to collect as much revenue! Great forecasting idiots! Maybe this drive (literally) commuters onto mass transit like the bus or carpooling! Pretty soon they will have speed cameras like other countries to generate revenue!
I gave up looking years ago and I live overseas where it is cheaper since I am living on savings. Thanks to our great governor the jobs aren't plentiful and the state is in heaps of debt! Yes when are they going to report the true numbers where people like myself fell off the stats because we aren't looking for work or people who are underemployed by just working part time. True unemployment is closer to 16%. Report those numbers!
There was an article recently where a patrol bridge cop was making over $200,000 a year and 68 other officers were making that much. That only pads their retirements! There needs to be major reform! You wonder why governments have NO money! All government workers need to contribute more money into the system but with a sliding scale! People making less then $50,000 10% of their pay $50,001-$75,000 15%; $75,001-$100,000; 20%; and anything over $100,000 25%!
There was an article recently where a patrol bridge cop was making over $200,000 a year and 68 other officers were making that much. That only pads their retirements! There needs to be major reform! You wonder why governments have NO money! All government workers need to contribute more money into the system but with a sliding scale! People making less then $50,000 10% of their pay $50,001-$75,000 15%; $75,001-$100,000; 20%; and anything over $100,000 25%!
Once again drunk drivers that don't kill themselves but kill other innocent people! And then the drunk drivers get a slap on the wrist! You know what being a drinker myself I have the maturity now to NOT drive after a bunch of drinks. How about this is they have time to drink they have to serve the community! Every other weekend of community service for LIFE!
Who all here wasn't 16 and 1st received their driver's license back then? I remember how stupid I drove! I had 2 tickets and an accident and dropped by my parents insurance before I was a senior. It is funny how when you make your own car and insurance payments how your driving habits change (when I mean change, change for the good)
In this world we like to blame someone else and not ourselves!
$70 Million really!
This is what is wrong with this world!
This is why I hate lawyers too!
The county will probably settle because it is cheaper to do it that way!
Maybe we should do a new initiative that will put lawsuits into a new category. The people in that city, county, or state will get to vote (online) not a jury of 12 people or so!
This is why our governments have no money too!