The plugins are the difference maker. You have to be self hosted to have access to the plugins which I am not yet. More of a long term solution for me.
I love this post, in fact, I am working on an article to submit to Collide about this very issue applied to ministries, social networking for you. Great thoughts, passion attracts attention. I heard a quote from an old evangelist when he was asked why his ministry was growing so quickly, he responded, I pray to be on fire for God, and people come to watch me burn. How good is that?! Keep doing what you're doing bro, and glad to hear good things are happening with you and for bedeviant. Excited for you.
For me, if I could do anything, it would be splitting my time among a few things: leading a Christ-centered community, writing, and speaking the eternal truths found in the Gospel of Jesus. So far, I have touched on all three, being part of a church plant, getting an essay published, and speaking at a couple worship services this past year. I hope to continue to develop these giftings as I pursue God everyday. Thanks for starting the conversation. Keep pressing after God, and you will accomplish more than you could ever ask or imagine.
Easter was good. This was the first year I wasn't an involved member of the church where I attended Easter. It was good that I got to see things from an outsiders perspective. I have been journaling a little about that, things churches clearly overlook because they don't have an outsider chiming in when they plan. It makes me all the more excited about our work with One Church. Some momentum is building already! I heard Hope blew it out of the water, I will listen to the podcast.
how I miss thee Scooters. Well done on the sponsor post, my man. I am trying to find a Scooter's equivalent here in Winston-Salem, but none quite yet. Keep doing what you're doing, hope Easter went well for the Wise family.
I think they were concentrating...really hard. haha
Yeah, I'm helping Nate with One Church. I'll catch ya on twitter.
interesting that "all the world" can now be interpreted as online, which accounts for a major portion of our society. all is a pretty inclusive word. just to pick your brain: what would you say to someone who argues that the "world" represents people groups or societies, not facets of society such as internet communities, who's members are merely representative of various people groups? If this is clearer: world meaning cultures, not including subcultures, online communities being a subculture. I would like your thoughts...
Disney is successful because they look at themselves from the view of an outsider. Oh, how the church can learn from the dreamers at Disney...if they could stop boycotting long enough...