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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +2 points


Here are two questions Americans who are uncertain about this issue can ask

“Given the importance of the question, is it reasonable of me to take - as an
answer - a patently forged document together with an unsubstantiated 1961
newspaper announcement that provides no relevant details?”

For those who believe the published Certification of Live Birth was not tampered
with and that what one reads in the newspaper one can take to the bank, this

“Why did Obama publish a COLB (per Gibbs), given that document flows only from
the form Certificate of Live Birth which is issued to infants who are not
eligible to obtain a Hawaiian Certificate of Birth?”

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 0 replies · +1 points


Here are two questions Americans who are uncertain about this issue can ask

“Given the importance of the question, is it reasonable of me to take - as an
answer - a patently forged document together with an unsubstantiated 1961
newspaper announcement that provides no relevant details?”

For those who believe the published Certification of Live Birth was not tampered
with and that what one reads in the newspaper one can take to the bank, this

“Why did Obama publish a COLB (per Gibbs), given that document flows only from
the form Certificate of Live Birth which is issued to infants who are not
eligible to obtain a Hawaiian Certificate of Birth?”

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 0 replies · +1 points

FACT: Obama has NOT provided a certified copy of an original, typed, vault copy, long-form, birth certificate, signed by his mother and delivering doctor with the name of the hospital thereon, to be used to conclusively prove one of the two key elements used in determining his "natural born" citizenship status per the U.S. Constitution, i.e., where he was born.

Being a "natural born citizen" is required to serve in the office of the Presidency under our U.S. Constitution. Obama has only produced a computer-generated, short-form, registration of birth form called a "Certification of Live Birth", (aka COLB). And some question the genuineness of that proffered document. But note, it does not say "Certificate" it says "Certification". Thus it is not a Birth "Certificate". And this is a key difference in the discussion of what Obama has proffered and what he has not. Only the actual long form original typed version signed by the mother and delivering doctor and/or other witnesses is a Birth "Certificate" under Hawaiian law and to the courts. In Hawaii that document is named "Certificate of Live Birth". Note, the change in the one word, "Certificate" of Live Birth (aka long form Birth Certificate), not "Certification" of Live Birth (aka COLB, the computer generated short form), which is what Obama has proffered thus far. And a short form "COLB" is not a conclusive legal document to prove birth and is not acceptable to most courts for proof of birth facts. A short form "COLB" shows a birth was registered. But not by whom and exactly how. Nor does it provide the facts necessary to trace the facts to independent third party witnesses or facts, such as the name of the hospital or doctor. See videos below for more on that. So, Obama has proved his birth was registered in Hawaii but has not proven conclusively that he was physically born there, nor what exactly is stated or not stated on the long form document filled out in 1961, if one exists. Read the next paragraph as to why.

Registration of live births under the vague laws in Hawaii in 1961 is not proof of birth in Hawaii at all. Read the laws on the books in Hawaii for registration of births. Their laws are very, very lax as to registering births.

"Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child."
Comment and observation: When Obama wrote his first book he titled it "Dreams from My Father". He wrote of his father in Kenya and how his father hoped and dreamed of changing the Kenyan government and the world to Socialism and Marxism. How prophetic Vattel's words are in describing natural law and the propensity of man to identify with the land of their father. Obama did not write "Dreams from My Mother" and of America for his source of inspiration, dreams, and aspirations. Obama wrote of his father and his father's Kenyan goals for Socialism and Marxism as his inspiration and his dreams of what he wanted to accomplish in America and for the world. THERE'S MORE..........


15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 1 reply · +1 points

Obama Birth Certificate Facts and Citizenship Facts

Postby Mountain Publius Goat on Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:35 am
Obama Birth Certificate Facts and Obama Citizenship Facts

FACT: Obama's father was never a U.S. citizen nor was his father an immigrant to the USA nor was his father even a permanent resident of the USA. Obama's father was merely sojourning in the USA as a student for a few years and returned to Kenya. Thus, Obama is not and never can be a "natural born" citizen of the USA.

When Obama was born he was not a "natural born citizen" since both parents of a child must be citizens at the time of birth of the child in order for the child to be a "natural born" citizen. In addition to the requirement as to the parents citizenship status, the child must also be born in the USA. Obama may be a "born citizen" depending on the evidence in Hawaii. But "born" is NOT synonymous with "natural born". And I am not talking about the difference between natural child birth and a "C" section. Natural in this sense refers to the "natural law" definition of citizenship. Obama can never be considered a "natural born citizen" no matter where he was born because his father was not a U.S. citizen. Both parents must be citizens at the time of birth of the child in the USA for the child to be a "natural born citizen" per our Constitution's framers intent and the "natural law", as codified by Vattel in 1758 in his legal reference treatise, "The Law of Nations". The "divided loyalties" concerns of the framers of a person who is selected to serve as our President and Commander-in-Chief of our military comes into play. Thus the framers required a "natural born" citizen only mandate in the U.S. Constitution for the Office of President and Commander-in-Chief of our military.
1. 2.

"Natural born citizenship" is defined in the 250 year old scholarly book, "Law of Nations", written in 1758, decades before our Constitution and was used as a scholarly reference by our U.S. Constitution's framers. Some excerpts, "... natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. ... I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country". See more here: Also see this chart which shows who is and who is not a "natural born citizen" depending on whom your parents are and where you are born: An easily printable and down-loadable copy of this chart explaining the various types of citizenship mentioned in our Constitution is available at

the original un-scrubbed, first edition version to get the absolute passion of his hatred of whites and the American system of government) to learn where Obama's true heart and soul loyalties are. And they are not to the USA, the birth place of his mother. His loyalties are to his father and other places outside the USA. He considers himself a "citizen of the world", as he said in Berlin, before he considers himself to be a citizen of the USA. His political and familial foreign influences and interests and loyalties are obvious. As an adult he even meddled in Kenyan politics to help a member of his and his father's tribe there achieve power in Kenya. This is not the type of President and Commander in Chief of our military that John Jay and General George Washington meant to have in future Presidents when they put the term "natural born citizen" in Article II of our Constitution as a necessary qualification for that singular and most powerful position in our new nation. They did not want a future President to have any recent familial and/or foreign allegiances, affinities, or influences on him. Jay's and Washington's worst fears about a possible future nation's leader have now been fulfilled by ignoring our Constitution with the seating of Obama in the Oval Office. The Constitution was ignored in this election cycle with the help of an enabling Main Stream Media. It is now up to "We the People" to undue the wrong done against the Constitution and to the founding father's of this great nation.


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +2 points

Postby Mountain Publius Goat on Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:35 am <a href="" target="_blank">

<a href="" target="_blank">

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Stand Up · 0 replies · +1 points

Good job, now tell other 912ers about it looks like the Vent site crashed again.

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent - 912 Communique\' · 0 replies · +1 points

Well 912 Vent has crashed again, hope 912ers can find there way here to post.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +1 points

Your not alone, there are many 912ers like you working on this cause i.e. MeJane & mollieB55 are just two. BO cannot keep his live sealed from the American people forever. I notices Vent has crashed which is why about a dozen 912ers have started a chat on Yahoo Messenger and we have our own website with a Vent, Stand up & Lead & News from You that will not crash and you will not be censored cu one of us is the site administrator who has unblocked are the ism words if you know what I mean. Check it our, My Yahoo I.D. is sallietoo so if you want to chat we start at 3 p.m. pacific time weekdays after the Glen Beck show, we are trying to get organized to be more effective in fighting corruption in our goverment

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 6/5 · 0 replies · +1 points

Don't know My Bad

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 6/5 · 0 replies · +1 points

There is some frustrating problems with the 912 Vent site, over Memorial weekend it was down for several day, I'm in a group of about a dozen 912ers that chat on Yahoo Messenger daily after the Beck Show 3 p.m Pacific Time we decided to start the chat because we were tried of being censored, our freedom of speech was being squashed, the chat help us to organize, brainstorm & share our resources as a result we have a website with a Vent where the Site Adm. is one of us so we won't be censored for the ism words. Check it out: My Yahoo Messenger I.D. is sallietoo if you want to join us