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15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 0 replies · +1 points
I'm having breakfast on Thursday with the ATRO-Chair, and I'll explore this issue with him....
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 0 replies · +2 points
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 2 replies · +1 points
Thus, we must educate everyone that everyone would be adversely affected if Obamanomics can't be stopped.
Even if many people rode through the recession, we're in a jobless recovery...and the Main Line families have unemployed offspring (or know of others who do).
Thus, hope springs eternal!
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 0 replies · +1 points
This is what we have in the collar-counties, and they presumably know the challenges (internal/external) they face. But Guzzardi should take heart that Toomey is doing so well [and would have the empowerment to "guide" the congressional delegation following election]. And the candidacy of Sam Rohrer is highly c/w his philosophy.
So we should all revel in the Tea Party Movement and its ability to provide acute/chronic infusion of energy within the GOP; this is a Republican/Conservative year, but we must remain vigilant that ObamaCare will STILL be subject to a "reconciliation" vote in the Senate for another two months....
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 0 replies · +1 points
In the case of Steve Welch, he demonstrated as recently as Thursday-p.m. [when he endorsed Obama's "bipartisan" VAT-commission] that he cannot deny his D-roots, try as he may. His neophyte status was amply demonstrated during presentations that, per protocol, cannot be detailed publicly.
In the case of Dee Adcock, it has been recognized on other blogs by his advocates [charitably phrased] that his c.v., web-site and overall candidacy "need work."
In the case of the Bucks County competitors to Mike Fitzpatrick, each has definable flaws--which have been directly conveyed to them--that would render this crop of innocents HIGHLY-VULNERABLE in the Fall; they would do well to redirect their ambit to more entry-level positions.
And in the case of Pat Meehan, private presentations have failed to convey sizzle [to say the least].
[--to be continued--]
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 2 replies · +1 points
As a Committee-Person, constraints exist regarding my ability to support unendorsed candidates so, often, Guzzardi and I will dovetail. Although this association aggravates some people, most can recognize that he enters the scene without an axe to grind...but fearing that the Titanic is approaching the iceberg; Glenn Beck's CPAC Keynote Speech elucidates this angst. [Regular viewers @ 5 p.m. or 3 a.m. will recognize snippets from his exploration of Progressivism.]
But I also function independently, after we have hashed-over a given situation, witness my fealty to Mike Fitzpatrick (which has roots during prior years, as mediated via Beth Hegedus...a wise observer). I try to be optimistic, while he laments.
The ultimate point, however, is that the presumptive "Tea Party Movement" candidate must be high-quality.
[--to be continued--]
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 5 replies · +1 points
What animates Guzzardi is concern that this energy has noticably not been enveloped within SE-PA or, for that matter, statewide. For example, we have yet to discern why Welch complained that Gerlach had received the MontCo endorsement issue we will be clarifying with an insider Monday-a.m. over breakfast @ Starbucks. Overall, his recitation of presumptive candidates has been privately parsed, for there are definable degrees of adherence to the "party" that each has publicly conveyed. For example, we differ regarding Mike Fitzpatrick, who continues to impress me to a point whereby I am reduced to having the inability to proffer any suggestions.
BTW - Mike was endorsed on Wednesday-p.m. by ATRO [The Abington Township Rockledge Borough Republican Organization], an unsolicited but justified event.
Therefore, particularly after having been impressed with Sam Rohrer's presentation @ the home of Jonathan Jenkins, he acutely senses contrast between truth-tellers and those who would (in his mind) pander to the voter.
[--to be continued--]
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Welch withdraws from P... · 0 replies · +1 points
Guzzardi and I are generally of one mind, even if one-or-the-other-of-us arrives @ a given endpoint prior to the evolution of the other-of-us. In this case, we debated Gerlach v. Welch as recently as last night (for a half-hour), recognizing that we had both ultimately supported Curt Schroder (after Guzzardi had dabbled elsewhere, for awhile, for reasons that I later grew to recognize as highly justifiable).
I relate this vignette to illustrate a concept that has broader implications than mere expression of anguish, and dismay.
We just witnessed a great CPAC and a sense that the GOP can become energized by encompassing the non-fringe Tea Party Movement (which comprises 95% thereof, notwithstanding MSM accounts, such as that published on Thursday by the NYTimes).
[-to be continued--]
15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - In PA-13 Dachowski, Mc... · 0 replies · +1 points
The inclusion of the phrase "the most knowledge" within the latter comment impugns the credibility of other assertions therein, whereas the citation of the "98%" figure within the former comment enhances its credibility.
One wonders why--after the endorsement process has transpired--such considerations as charitable contributions and a deficient web-site would even need to be confronted.