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10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 8 replies · +7 points

the bush military service records were NOT all released by him, but the majority were obtained under an FOI.

military service records are NOT the same as personal records and college records that are covered by the 1974 federal privacy act the same as any other u.s. citizen, and to date NO president has ever shown them

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 0 replies · +12 points

"Your complete ignorance shows with this comment:

"A real grass-roots (non-partisan)"

There is no such thing, moron!!!! "

i quoted spinmore when i wrote `grass roots (non partisan)´, so you are calling one of your brother birthers a moron, and by not checking back to the first poster to whom i replied here in this section in your haste to try and score brownie points, are proving yourself to be one as well.

i love it when birthers turn on each other LOL!

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 1 reply · +15 points


you want to try and call a bunch of bloggers getting together for eats and a day out the same kind of thing as OAS?

god! your desperation to justify the monumental failure of OAS knows no bounds!

lets get things straight here - the crazy clown posse is NOT a sherrifs dept investigation. it never was, and it never will be.

it is registered as an educational charity for tax free status which should have told you that. they will not release anything of any use to you retards, and will continue to collect donations from the gullible until jan 20th 2017

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 10 replies · +13 points

would you like to tell us what records relevent to presidential eligability that your president has failed to show?

feel free to state where in u.s. law and the constitution they are asked for

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 1 reply · +12 points

oh the sherrif can investigate all he likes.

but i´d be inclined to advise him to use actual accredited experts who´s evidence could be relied upon and wich would be admissable as expert testimony in court - something he has not done at this moment.

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 5 replies · +15 points


i´d be more inclined to call it a small group of nutters milling around than a `grass roots´ movement.

so out of a population of 318 million, you managed to get 200 to show up

so very representative of the american people and such popular support

remember when your president was inaugurated? the mall and surrounding area was filled by between 800,000 and 1 million people. 200 RWNJ´s is pretty pathetic by comparison

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 16 replies · +14 points

difference - the folks who went to philly went for a social get together, and nothing else

there was none of the grand numbers claimed for those attending that the birthers promoted for OAS because they really have nothing to prove - the 230-0 failure rate of the birthers does that alone

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 0 replies · +11 points

come on then wiliam, want to tell us where the missing 10 million who were supposed to attend got to?

because their lack of presence seems to show that birther math concering the ammount of support they have doesn´t even get near the level of common core math

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 3 replies · +13 points

yes, and berg lost it, and the judge explained why he was wrong and exactly why he lost it.

the start of a 230-0 unbroken record of fail

*sits back and waits for the excuses

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Operation American Spr... · 32 replies · +17 points

"A real grass-roots (non-partisan) salt of the earth crowd of folks from all over the country are immediately mocked and disparaged. Why? Because they stand for something that threatens those who mock them."

no, they get mocked because they claim they will have millions of followers who will attend and bring down their (constitutionally elected) government, and when the reality is they don´t even get 300 to attend it shows how much of a `grass roots´ partisan joke it really is.

and we also like to say `we told you so´ after being called `obots´ and various other names when having explained this to you before and accurately predicting the turnout