Rich Kirkpatrick

Rich Kirkpatrick


35 comments posted · 7 followers · following 22

12 years ago @ novus•lumen - When Are We Going to G... · 0 replies · +3 points

Jeremy, I wonder if simplicity is being mistaken for "juvenile" in some of this discussion. Now, I do believe a wide stripe surely is youth-culture obsessed and that this is nothing new. However, the option is to return to an emotionally ascetic system of guilt and formality that is not necessarily biblical, even if it is historical. I believe, for right or wrong, sacramental substitutes have been applied such as worship singing being the altar and the "altar call" our confession. Our revivalist forms come from the European reaction to relics and abuse and our personal view of God is biblical and historical. There is a modernist attraction to being machine-like, disregarding the mystical. The mystical side of our faith does not need to only come from old, familiar modes. The Bible gives us freedom. Feeling good about grace is a start, simple, and child-like. But, I refuse to sell it out as opposed to enriching it further with depth. To engage God with the mind need not exclude the enjoyment of grace and the simplicity of the proposition of the Gospel and experience of the power of the life of the Holy Spirit--a doctrine too shallow in the toolbox of many.

13 years ago @ http://juliannamorlet.... - 10 Things I Wish I'd K... · 1 reply · +3 points

Hi Julianna...a very nice list!

A couple additions...

- You will improve with experience. The only way to grow as a leader of anything is to actually lead. So, give yourself time and do not be too hard on yourself.

- Asking "why" is important, even if the answers do not come from your leaders. You can learn a lot about what is really important this way. And, you are thinking these questions, anyway.

- You are different. Embrace that. Being a creative type, which most worship leaders are, is a good thing and will provide fun tension if lived out healthily. Yes, you will be misunderstood. Embrace that, too.

- Find a mentor, or two or three and learn what makes them tick. They do not have to be super heroes just real people with character who can show you how lead by sharing their life--mistakes, warts and all. The encouragement is amazing from people who share their wisdom.

- Be in community with some other worship leaders outside of your fellowship to challenge your character as peers and inspire you to grow. Having a safe place to vent is critical for any leader. It is far better to misspeak in front of trusted peers than your leadership, worship team or church members.

13 years ago @ http://movethemountain... - #RobBell, Discourse, &... · 1 reply · +1 points

I think Rob Bell is as guilty as any for the discourse being what it is. He got to frame the conversion in the first place! The control of book info while releasing controversial statements made for genius buzz making. It was red meat for those who he and others were already waiting to take the bait.

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - What are the best Chri... · 0 replies · +1 points

Most are not scarf wearing, scooter driving dudes there but is a great place for worship leaders, worshippers and pastors.

Another blog that really mixes things up for creative people and the rest is where you never know how you will be stretched. Great stuff.

15 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Zakk last! The final Z... · 0 replies · +1 points

I wanna be this dude! The scooter is my color, btw ;)

15 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Win 3 iPod Shuffles on... · 0 replies · +1 points

the whole worship leader post... vnecks! The metro post is my fave and I am a worship leader

15 years ago @ Theology Evolved? - Changes · 0 replies · +1 points

Good stuff, except for Toby Keith being quoted.

15 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - Confessions of an Inte... · 2 replies · +1 points

The thing that would make it be a "group" is only who is inviting the people--not necessarily programs or programming. FACT... 1/4 will come to church (small group, worship, meeting, etc) regardless of their background. Its all about the people, not the tools. Internet Church really is not a church any more than saying a physical building is a church.

15 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - Confessions of an Inte... · 3 replies · +1 points

If your internet community was a group watching, you would think differently. With an online prayer experience I helped contribute to with Tony Steward of Life Church it became apparent that people were not just one-to-one screen to person ratio. There were whole families, dorm room lounges and other settings that kept pace with the whole deal.

What I think is most effective is a smaller group, rather than individualistic, internet strategy. I may help launch something like this so my theory (as of today) is to not do as things are done. The reality is, that really good Youtube clip is something my whole family gathers around my laptop for. This can be applied to internet church. Plus, it does not have to be a rebroadcast of life, but an actual interactive experience that way. We will see.

15 years ago @ The Wonderful Noise - Vacation! · 1 reply · +1 points

Very nice. I love that place.