That is actually the first time he has spoken the truth about any of his policies.
What an idiot. Everyone in the so called Media called Sarah Palin an inexperienced, moron. This guy is unbelievable. WOW Anytime this guy opens his mouth, he says something even dumber than the last time. How in the world has he been re-elected so many times in the state of Delaware. Wake up people and stop electing these idiots.
I wasn't surveyed, however I agree. I will never buy a Chevy or Chrysler product again. If you want to get in bed with the devil, ie. the unions and government, you have to sleep with them. I will only buy a Ford as long as they hold out against taking a bailout. These companies went crying to congress to get bailouts, because they were to big to fail. Only a few months later, bankruptcy. The only car I have ever owned have been Dodge made. Never again.
Hell in a hand basket....
It's a wonder Obama didn't go to Israel during his apology tour, sitting in this haters pews for as long as he did.
When is someone in congress or a constitutional lawyer going to move forward with a lawsuit against this administration with the law they are breaking and the deals that have been done thus far. Someone needs to put an end to this.
How are we supposed to back our government, when they aren't listening to the people. This has been happening for along time, but when it came to the bailout, when the calls to congressmen were 9-1 against the bailouts and they all voted for them anyway, why should we be backing these idiots after they have let us all down. How can you trust anything they do, when they don't even read the bills they are signing. Even those who apparently write the bills, can't even answer questions about what is in them. There is no backing these people until they start listening or they are all voted out and so we can just start over. Talk about taxation without representation. I know the constitution doesn't mean anything to them any way.
Just another fabrication of the true that has come out of his pie hole. This guy doesn't know if he is telling the true or lying, it happens so often. Just like Pelosi, a habitual liar. The only difference is that BHO is good at it and Pelosi stinks at it.