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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 1 reply · +2 points

Why so much money for this Healthcare takeover?????

Here's the simple answer to Healthcare -

There are 47 million people who do not have health insurance, right? Call it 50 Million, just for kicks.

According to my research, and you can get these figures and run these numbers too - the average yearly premium for a health insurance plan for a family was just under $13,000 in 2008.

So, at 2% interest, $1,000,000.00 (one mil) dollars will produce $20,000 bucks in interest earnings in a year. If the concern is actually to get these fifty million people health INSURANCE, why not put away twice the needed assets, or $100,000,000. bucks at 2 percent, and pay the premium every year for each of them to have a health INSURANCE plan through an EXISTING company on a "group" plan, just as if it were available to them through an employer!

Why does it have to be any more complicated than that? Heck, Bill Gates could fund a foundation just for that purpose without batting an eye, and it could all be done in the private sector - and keep it out of the hands of government!!

Let's get this idea out there and see how a simple comparison to what Obama wants can muddy their plans!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 2 replies · +3 points

Here is my message to the Republican Party:
You do not understand the anger out here at what is happening to our country - I am seriously considering leaving the Republican Party and going Constitution or Independent - because that is what we all, as Americans, want to be - INDEPENDENT! Not dependent on government programs to make things better for us! Let us do what we do best - thrive in a free market as entrepreneurs in a free enterprise system with incentives like lower taxes and LESS GOVERNMENT! Don't you dare back down - get a spine and resist this liberal takeover and power grab, or we will vote others into office who will! If we could, we would oust all of you, dem or rep, and start over right now, with people who believe in what our Constitution stands for and created as a basis for what this country is all about! Get back to that - listen to what the Founding Fathers predicted could go wrong, and open your eyes to the fact that it is happening all around us, RIGHT NOW! STOP IT! REPRESENT US!!!! Hold these wolves at bay before they devour everything we have built in this grand experiment of a nation! You don't, and you just might have a coup or another civil war on your hands - do you really want that? STAND UP AND FIGHT - DON'T BACK DOWN - STOP THIS MADNESS! THAT IS YOUR JOB - IF YOU WANT TO KEEP IT, YOU HAD BETTER ACT NOW, or as soon as we get the chance, you are all out of there! WE PROMISE YOU, WE WILL NOT FORGET WHAT YOU HAVE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN UNDER THIS MAN'S REIGN!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Books · 7 replies · +4 points


Just remember that the media is a business as well - they sell advertising in order to stay on the air. Let's approach this from the back side - contact all the advertisers on the networks that air advertisements during the media program (news show/talk show/ etc) that you feel is biased, and tell the advertiser that unless they discontinue sponsoring that program or network while they continue to present an unbalanced viewpoint, you will not be purchasing their products, and will ask others not to purchase them as well. Ask them to contact the program or network and tell them to balance out their coverage or they will not be able to advertise on their program, because it is losing them business to be associated with that program/network.

It always comes down to the almighty dollar - when we as consumers "VOTE" with our purchasing power and making our voices heard, the media will get the message straight through their pocketbooks!!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Books · 0 replies · +2 points

Reading the 5000 Year Leap - INCREDIBLE! Thank you Glenn for promoting it - I am amazed at how far afield our system has gone from the original intent of our Founding Fathers. Just the first part of the book outlines EXACTLY the situation we are currently in, and the Founders warned us against it! Obama and his minions are BENT on destroying the foundation of this country, and it becomes obvious upon reading this book - they are doing EVERYTHING that is in opposition of the founding principles!

We have to stop the bleeding from the wounds these unhappy leaders have opened in our country - I weep for our future if we don't reverse this damage as soon as possible!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/13 - 3/25 · 6 replies · +3 points

Have you heard about the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act that has already been passed by our legislators? Talk about the threat to "small" business from the tax measure recently passed - THIS legislation, without reform, could effectively put ALL cottage businesses run from people's homes out of business!!!

Here is a link to just one of the groups fighting for reform - and there are many more! Please publicize this on your site, on the Fox network, on the radio, pass it on to Hannity and Rush - this cuts at the very core of the country, and we can't let it happen!

I am proud to join the 912 project - in six months, my life will be different!