


247 comments posted · 4 followers · following 1

13 years ago @ Halolz - Your position in queue: · 0 replies · +1 points

Linking that video is getting worse than the "shut up and take my money!" pic.

13 years ago @ Halolz - Your position in queue: · 0 replies · +2 points

Over 9...days.

13 years ago @ Halolz - Your position in queue: · 10 replies · +1 points

Then why didn't you find one that said lol? Theres bound to be one already on the interwebs.

13 years ago @ Halolz - KANO'S SUGAR TOASTED OATS · 0 replies · +2 points

There's a fatality in every box!

13 years ago @ Halolz - Meet the Medic... and ... · 1 reply · +10 points

NO! its "Sharing Kindess, Its an easy feat!"

YOU FU-*tazed*

13 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] More Frank’s... · 1 reply · +9 points

If the camere comes with a free hat, I'm in.

13 years ago @ Halolz - Meet the Medic... and ... · 6 replies · +11 points

The magic has big adventures.

13 years ago @ Halolz - Meet the Medic... and ... · 4 replies · +9 points


13 years ago @ Halolz - GUYS! THERE WAS A HURR... · 2 replies · +4 points

What Hurricane? I'm still preparing for this upcoming one called Katrina.

Its probably all hype, though.

(Too soon?)

13 years ago @ Halolz - Pokécats · 0 replies · +4 points

Well, Jimmy did have a funnier picture and he used it at a better time when as you did it at a loving portal 2 proposal, and your picture was using a bland humor when clearly it required a creative picture and pure comedy.

But you know, yours was still nice.

(If someone actually gets this reference, I'm probably going to get thumbed down more than I already will be.)