


7 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 1 reply · +3 points

The silent killer!!!
The family court system in this country is destroying child-parent relationships in all 50 states.Talk about corruption! Back in 1994 Billary Clinton passed the Welfare reform act and just like the recent bills passed they hid a little clause in there that pays 4.2 billion $$ to the states for collection of child support,what that means is it gives the states an incentive to collect all they can from the non-cutodial parent.The Gov matches dollar for dollar.Then that money goes to the courts to be distributed among mainly Judges! What a SWEET deal.I'm not saying parents shouldn't pay support,but it creates a greed factor to get all they can knowing they get matched funds.No one wants to talk about this because of all the $$$$ that it brings in. WAKE UP people...I'm sure there are alot of parents being raped finacially by the system.Lets get Glenn involved in this issue...Talk about blood shooting out of his eyes,he'll need a bucket..........Gary

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - July 16 · 0 replies · +1 points

The silent killer!!!
The family court system in this country is destroying child-parent relationships in all 50 states.Talk about corruption! Back in 1994 Billary Clinton passed the Welfare reform act and just like the recent bills passed they hid a little clause in there that pays 4.2 billion $$ to the states for collection of child support,what that means is it gives the states an incentive to collect all they can from the non-cutodial parent.The Gov matches dollar for dollar.Then that money goes to the courts to be distributed among mainly Judges! What a SWEET deal.I'm not saying parents shouldn't pay support,but it creates a greed factor to get all they can knowing they get matched funds.No one wants to talk about this because of all the $$$$ that it brings in. WAKE UP people...I'm sure there are alot of parents being raped finacially by the system.Lets get Glenn involved in this issue...Talk about blood shooting out of his eyes,he'll need a bucket..........Gary

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - July 16 · 0 replies · +2 points

Lets talk about the underbelly of the REAL denigration of this country.The media doesn't want to even talk about the FAMILY COURT SYSTEM and the CHILD SUPPORT problemsgoing on.It makes these other problems pale by comparison!! If anyone has the guts to look into this I think it would be you Glenn! I have been a true fan for years and have always respected your views.Please don't let the Fathers and some Mothers down...We are being RAPED by the legal system.They are the new MOB.(LEGAL CROOKS) Please look into PARENTAL ALIENATION..Thank-You in advance.
P.S. Come on guys start venting about your issues on support and visitation of your children!!!!!! Gary Phillip

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - July 16 · 0 replies · +2 points

The silent killer!!!
The family court system in this country is destroying child-parent relationships in all 50 states.Talk about corruption! Back in 1994 Billary Clinton passed the Welfare reform act and just like the recent bills passed they hid a little clause in there that pays 4.2 billion $$ to the states for collection of child support,what that means is it gives the states an incentive to collect all they can from the non-cutodial parent.The Gov matches dollar for dollar.Then that money goes to the courts to be distributed among mainly Judges! What a SWEET deal.I'm not saying parents shouldn't pay support,but it creates a greed factor to get all they can knowing they get matched funds.No one wants to talk about this because of all the $$$$ that it brings in. WAKE UP people...I'm sure there are alot of parents being raped finacially by the system.Lets get Glenn involved in this issue...Talk about blood shooting out of his eyes,he'll need a bucket..........Gary

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/20/09 - 3/24/09 · 0 replies · +1 points

Does anyone have an answer for the corrupt family court system?Or how about the child support issues? Gary Phillip

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/13 - 3/25 · 0 replies · +1 points

This is the kind of crap that goes on in the family courts!!!!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/13 - 3/25 · 0 replies · +1 points

Lets talk about the underbelly of the REAL denigration of this country.The media doesn't want to even talk about the FAMILY COURT SYSTEM and the CHILD SUPPORT problemsgoing on.It makes these other problems pale by comparison!! If anyone has the guts to look into this I think it would be you Glenn! I have been a true fan for years and have always respected your views.Please don't let the Fathers and some Mothers down...We are being RAPED by the legal system.They are the new MOB.(LEGAL CROOKS) Please look into PARENTAL ALIENATION..Thank-You in advance.
P.S. Come on guys start venting about your issues on support and visitation of your children!!!!!! Gary Phillip