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15 years ago @ The Salty Droid - A Farewell to Evil Jowls · 0 replies · +1 points
even in surrender it sounds like he is setting up to be the "behind the scene slime"
He's willed his twitter "friends" to his buddies, and I'm sure his "content" will be swallowed up and regurgitated as a hot steamy mess of "new" content, falling out of a "new" face..
or he'll just start wearing a hockey mask..
BTW How can I book the cat for a party ;)
15 years ago @ The Salty Droid - StomperNet :: We'll Pa... · 0 replies · +1 points
Once you've gone there, it's is tough to go back..
the SN faculty is like a den of thieves.. no one trusts anyone, and no one is willing share their little stash of knowledge.. for fear it will be stolen.. (some don't even have a stash, just pretend)
Every single one of the SN faculty.. carries around the hope that someday they'll break away and turn their little stash of knowledge into a pile of gold..
Thies has been "phoning it in" for so long.. I don't know if he could put forth the effort to produce anything worthwhile, Rhode is a "one-hit-wonder" clinging to the belief the Google algorithm has not changed in 7 years..
Even Andy was a better person (not a great person) in pre-stompernet days...
but alas.. while riches and fame are fleeting.. being a SN whore is forever. Fallon has their souls and he's not giving them back