First tried your link and it did not work. Then I copy and pasted the link without the underlines and it worked perfect.
Take caution at your Town Hall meetings...the other side is starting to send rabble rousers to the meeting so any pushing shoving etc can be blamed on you. Keep a sharp eye out and when you see someone starting to go past the point of reasonable protest SURROUND THEM. Do not allow them to succeed!
Take caution at your Town Hall meetings and Tea Parties...the other side is starting to send rabble rousers to the meeting so any pushing shoving etc can be blamed on you. Keep a sharp eye out and when you see someone starting to go past the point of reasonable protest SURROUND THEM. Do not allow them to succeed!
Take caution at your Town Hall meetings...the other side is starting to send rabble rousers to the meeting so any pushing shoving etc can be blamed on you. Keep a sharp eye out and when you see someone starting to go past the point of reasonable protest SURROUND THEM. Do not allow them to succeed!
Take caution at your Town Hall meetings and Tea Parties...the other side is starting to send rabble rousers to the meeting so any pushing shoving etc can be blamed on you. Keep a sharp eye out and when you see someone starting to go past the point of reasonable protest SURROUND THEM. Do not allow them to succeed!
What a wonderful way to turn the tables. Instead of getting angry we take on the label with pride. I now officially declare myself a member of the MOB
Truth is it would break my heart to find out we elected an illegitimate president, but what would break my heart worse would be if it turns out to be true and we get stuck with Biden as our president
I'm all for this happening. At least it will slow things down until Joe Biden takes the reigns and starts this whole merry-go-round again. Maybe by then we will have convinced enough people of what was actually happening and he won't be able to continue in Obama's footsteps.
In Iran when the loser was declared the winner the people rose up and filled the streets. In Minnesota when the loser was declared the winner the people sat down, put the feet up and popped the top. Both cases the candidates mysteriously had more votes after the election than on the night of the election.
The Ad would be more convincing if they could show the EPA email stating they would not publish the findings that were in direct opposition of the Obama administrations goals.