Don't forget it takes 4 gallons of petroleum to produce five gallons of ethanol, another waste of shrinking food-stores. That could explain why so many poor people are rioting worldwide. Could it be part of a master plan?
It will end with the collapse of the nation. Then UN troops will enter on behalf of our government as our troops are needed overseas. Prepare for the coming storm.
By the time enough people wake up it will be too late. Prepare for the collapse. Stock up on food, fuel, real money (like gold and silver) and lead, plenty of lead. When the moochers come out of their holes they will need persuading. Back to the old adage, work or starve will be the new motto.
There are really only two choices, bow down and become a slave or fight. Hope they fight.
The real threat is the same today as it was in 2001. The government refusing to uphold the laws of the land. The real threat is the US government destroying the value of the dollar. Stop terrorism, close the open border.
Much like obamas written record.
If bush made it legal to assassinate shall that not put blood upon his head? If obama uses said law to assassinate is not the blood upon his head also? Even if it was made legal in the US it is still a violation of international law, is it not? Bombing the compound would also be a breach of international law as are many other attacks conducted recently, are they not? One must look at the long term trends and blowback these attacks will cause to understand what the true downside will be. With a porous border the US is treading water carrying to much weight, is it not?
No one signed up to be part of obamas death squads. This is clearly a violation of US and international law. "I was only following orders" didn't fly in Nuremberg and it shouldn't fly here. Our servicemen have a duty not to follow illegal orders. Those that do should be held accountable for it and those that issued the orders should be charged with crimes against humanity. osama should have been brought back, prosecuted and put to death according to the law. Now he has become a legend and the US cannot fight such an idea. This action has done great harm to our republic and time will reveal I am speaking the truth. We are no better then the enemy now, just as lawless.
So you support the use of military troops as death squads?
So you acknowledge that obama has turned the US into some third world nation complete with death squads?