I think this is the reason more creator owned works are finding significant success lately. However I've found that finding a few writers and/or artists you dig and picking up those books seems to give a more enjoyable comic buying experience. Awww what do I know I get to read em all for freebies!
Oktoberfest. I. Can't. Wait.
My favorite would have to be the love child of Tara McPherson and Frank Kozik carried through the wonders of male surrogacy (which i assure you is right around the corner technologically) by Lindsey Kuhn, then named Frankie Mc Kuhn. Basically picking a favorite is impossible, but i make this attempt because i want that print. Also the new documentary about rock poster art starring these folks looks to be pretty badass. if anyone can work wonders and show it buttfuck indiana id be obliged to kiss you, open mouth, on the ear.
Im looking forward to catching up and reading Elephantmen. Ive read the first few issues and for some reason haven't picked any up since them. Its super fucked up, but seems to be pretty decent. Also, Why haven't you forced a copy of Irredeemable into my hands and beaten me until I finished it?
Thanks to everyone who rocked some zombie carcasses with us last night. Had tons of fun, stayed up way too late, and got to meet some cool people. I look forward to doing something on XboxLive again real soon and hope to see you all here on the boards soon.
me can haz battlemouth pins?
It only took me seven minutes.....next TGT should be tougher....