


18 comments posted · 70 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ - ygfvk3 · 0 replies · +1 points

..or wait for an BB 4.3 update :/ can't wait to get back my gps working... thanks for your reply!

13 years ago @ - ygfvk3 · 2 replies · +1 points

I've got jailbroken iPhone 3G on 4.2.1 with 06.15.00 iPad baseband. Is it now possible to restore my baseband into any iPhone baseband?

14 years ago @ - yk0pn1 · 0 replies · +2 points

FATAL KEY BAG ERROR kb_load - I'm running redsn0w + 4.2.1 + verbose boot and thats the result of stuck.

What about this? I cant run my iphone - stuck on recovery mode / apple logo. I've tried install ipsw by latest redsn0w, but not working. Even tryed to install it using Restore Mode with iTunes - no result at all.. Can anyone help me out?

4.2.1 / 6.15
Windows 7 64bit

14 years ago @ - yk0pn1 · 0 replies · +1 points

where did u find Push Doctor?

14 years ago @ - yk0pn1 · 0 replies · +1 points

just try to install on ur iPhone iOS 4.1 without checking any box (uncheck "Install Cydia" as well!). If it helps, install again with "Install Cydia" box marked. Should leave your iPhone from 'brick mode' ;)

14 years ago @ - yk0pn1 · 0 replies · +2 points

and you are still trapped in DFU mode and crashing while installing firmware?

When I was starting upgrade, I've got iOS 4.0.1 with 5.12. I used redsn0w directly, to update to 4.2.1, marked "Install Cydia" and "Install iPad firmware". After that I stucked in DFU mode and every instalation crashes.. Then I've tried to install iOS 4.1 without Cydia and with all boxes unchecked - it helps. Then, I noticed that Cydia icon is already there in menu, so probably it was installed durning first attempt. After 4.1 I've updated the same way to 4.2.1 - first installed (using redsn0w) with all boxes unchecked, then reinstalled again checking just "Install Cydia" box. Then again, installation with boxes "Install Cydia" and "Battery percentage".

Everything now works fine, I've got iOS 4.2.1 unlocked :)

Good luck!

14 years ago @ - yk0pn1 · 0 replies · +1 points

I've found one more issue, it may help you -> try to make an upgrade without checking any box (uncheck "install cydia" etc.). If it helps you to move forward and run iPhone properly, try to install FW again, but only check 'Install Cydia" box. Should help.

14 years ago @ - yk0pn1 · 0 replies · +2 points

no worries, I'm Polish ;)

I've found one more thing. I'm playing with devil now to find the best solution for people who have similar problem like mines. I will reply after few minutes :)

14 years ago @ - yk0pn1 · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm going to quote my post from other topic about the same problem:

VERY IMPORTANT to all of you, who have problem with stock in DFU mode and crashes on installing / restoring iOS software!

If you were installed iOS 4.2.1 using redsn0w and marking "Enable iPad Baseband" and after that you landed in black hole named DFU mode or still crashing when trying to install custom firmware or restore, especially when "Installing Activation Bundles" (or similar, but still about Bundles) - try to create custom FW using redsn0w BUT UNCHECKING every box! Should help - that was my problem. After that I've runned my iPhone 3G and unlocked it, because Cydia was already installed wih 4.2.1 (I know that it crashes before, but anyway redsn0w installed it).

Dev-Team - there's still problem with CYDIA - it crashes the instalation process when installed with 4.2.1.

14 years ago @ - yk0pn1 · 6 replies · +2 points

FINALLY I did it! I've spend 9hrs trying to find the problem..

VERY IMPORTANT to all of you, who have problem with stock in DFU mode and crashes on installing / restoring iOS software!

If you were installed iOS 4.2.1 using redsn0w and marking "Enable iPad Baseband" and after that you landed in black hole named DFU mode or still crashing when trying to install custom firmware or restore, especially when "Installing Activation Bundles" (or similar, but still about Bundles) - try to create custom FW using redsn0w BUT UNCHECKING every box! Should help - that was my problem. After that I've runned my iPhone 3G and unlocked it, because Cydia was already installed wih 4.2.1 (I know that it crashes before, but anyway redsn0w installed it).

Dev-Team - there's still problem with CYDIA - it crashes the instalation process when installed with 4.2.1.