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7 years ago @ Malay Mail - IS threat reason beer ... · 0 replies · +9 points

If say terrorists threaten our national day celebrations, we also cancel it? Thought we always hear from the authorities that we must never bow down to threats and let terrorist affect our way of life. Now U-turn?

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Rafizi: Is keeping Sel... · 0 replies · 0 points

Some people once tasted power, gets addicted to it ,like 'dedak'. Lose all their principles and integrity !

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Dr M fails to block fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

An appeal is pending in the Court of Appeal against two members of the RCI. If Mahathir won that appeal, then what to do? The findings of the RCI then being done by two members who shouldn't be there in the first place?

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Dr M loses bid to oust... · 0 replies · +2 points

Please appeal the case all the way to the highest court. The people would like to see how far our justice system goes.

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Best to retire quietly... · 0 replies · +1 points

Old tiger still a tiger. Just hearing Mahathir still roaring strong makes them shiver down the spine.
No wonder keeps trying to discredit him. LOL

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - With PAS snub, curtain... · 0 replies · +1 points

Curtains falling? No! instead curtains now lifted so we can all see clearly that PAS is now collaborating with Umno against the Opposition.

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - PAS leaders blast Dr M... · 0 replies · +1 points

PAS still dwelling in the PAST? They think they can win the same number of seats in next GE as when they are with PH? In a three cornered fight, PAS only helps to split opposition votes which will only benefit Umno. So PAS will lose all their seats except maybe left with a few in Kelantan and even that is also doubtful. LOL

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - ‘Millions’... · 0 replies · +1 points

Surprised that we have millions of 'defence lawyers' in Malaysia. Why produce so many lawyers? Malaysia also needs doctors, engineers, architects etc.

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - BMF, forex scandals: M... · 0 replies · +1 points

"The Minister of Communications and Multimedia said that perhaps, Kit Siang and Dr Mahathir overlooked the fact that 1MDB had already been investigated by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), a Special Task Force, the Auditor-General, Attorney-General, Royal Malaysia Police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, plus reports regarding the matter prepared"

If the argument holds, then we don't need such thing as RCI in our country anymore !
Also remember that the Auditor General report on 1MDB is still hidden from the public under OSA !

7 years ago @ Malay Mail - Form RCI to probe Bank... · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow! go ahead and set up an RCI as it would amuse the rakyat that an RCI is set up to investigate a more than 20 years trading losses to defend our ringgit, involving a more than 90 year old man, who is no longer in power. Compare that to the US DOJ and many other countries saying billions stolen from the current 1MDB and siphoned into the personal account of a MO1, numerous calls from various NGOs and the opposition, not even a smell of an RCI ! Malaysia Boleh !