27p17 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Napoleon Hill’s Weir... · 2 replies · +1 points
Looking forward to your 80 year old Hugh Heffner's new technique too :)
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Deja Vu? Tell Me This ... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Magic of Thinking ... · 0 replies · +1 points
I've signed up for Calvin and Hobbes (haven't seen this before, but I'll go with your recommendation) and Winnie the Pooh!
Haha - brilliant.
Right, I'm gonna actually read / listen to this note now. Time to think big!
Thanks again mate.
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Winners Of The Intuiti... · 0 replies · +1 points
A lot of near-death avoidance... I like that!!
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Magic of Thinking ... · 2 replies · +1 points
What's this comic thing you're talking about??
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Flow by Mihaly Csiksze... · 3 replies · +1 points
Today was (ANOTHER) good one which I'm (very) tempted to get Amazon to send me. Before I ruin my flow by considering my Amazon costs over the past few weeks - here's my key learnings:
1) "Without challenge, life has no meaning". Yep - we get p*ssed off when things are "too hard", yet without pushing ourselves to achieve more life would be dull, monotonous, and Groundhog Day-like. As such I've committed that the next time I get stressed, I remember this is what makes life worth living. Paradoxical? Maybe... but I definitely *feel* that it makes sense.
2) Do work you enjoy. I've just started doing this over the past two months, and I TOTALLY agree with the Carlyle quote "blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessings". Life is awesome and I really don't want anything else (well, to make enough cash to make this change permanent)
3) How to achieve inner harmony. This was right near the end *in case anyone is cheating* ;-) Basically, know what you want, work with purpose to get this, and your feelings, thoughts and actions will be congruent - thus giving you inner calm and harmony.
Sweet! Awesome, simple stuff.... but disturbingly profound and utterly true :-)
That's me... Boom!
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Think & Grow Rich By N... · 1 reply · 0 points
* Luckily, however, I own more than enough copies of TAGR so my Amazon account can have a day off! *
Key Learnings pour moi:
1) Nothing is impossible. When listening to this bit, I was nodding heartily in agreement. Looks like over the past 18 months or so, I have TRULY brainwashed myself into accepting this as a belief... awesome! I now truly KNOW that anything is possible, if you have the...
2) Desire and Persistance - simply put, if you truly want something, commit to getting it and REFUSE to give up, how could you fail? Is failure even an option?? Sweet. Just need to make sure that persistance is 100%. (Obviously easier said than done)
3) Every man is what he is because of the DOMINANT THOUGHTS in his mind. We've been hearing this again and again and again... and, over time, as my thoughts become more and more exclusively positive, I realise that this has unbelievable truth to it... It just takes a lot of focus to get it right!
Anyway, that's me done... awesome again. Boom!
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The 80/20 Principle By... · 2 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The 80/20 Principle By... · 3 replies · +1 points
Anyway, this was AWESOME.
Key Learnings:
Do what you find easy (sweet - this keeps popping up)
Skim read books by doing conclusion - intro - conclusion - and then dip in... Pow! This little tip was worth the price of admission alone! I'll save years of my life.
And, naturally, BUSINESS. Where's 80% of my sales coming from? Where oh where?
Haha - luckily, this has spawned a major brain wave and I'm off to brainstorm some dollar creation...
Excellent again. Awesome crowd too. Love reading everyones' interpretations... Keep at it gangstas.
Ooh ps I've found another 100 day hardcore program for goal achievement, looks pretty cool (I'm hooked on these group sessions now).
Have a look at my site under "new shizzle" if you fancy joining me for that. Peace!
14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Overachievement By Joh... · 2 replies · +1 points
I really liked the idea of the "super pilot" - that made a lot of sense to me. When I really perform at my best, I'm definitely in this heightened state. Awesome.
My absolute favourite part was the bit about being crazy - nuts and geniuses.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... Boom! This makes a LOT of sense. haha.
Wrote a post about it here in case anyone fancies a sneaky peek at my inner craziness (oops - I mean genius)
This challenge is getting better and better. It's awesome to see so many people buzzing from all the wisdom!