Patrick Curl

Patrick Curl


27 comments posted · 33 followers · following 577

13 years ago @ Social Media Soup - 7 Steps to Dominate Go... · 0 replies · +1 points

Contextual ads would probably be best - like adsense.

13 years ago @ Social Media Soup - Sickening Racist Obama... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'd be more than happy to let you secede. Think of all the money we'd save, all the natural disasters in America seem to happen in the most Racist, eh I mean Red states. Flooding in Louisiana, Hurricane Katrina, ALL Hurricanes for that matter, Tornados, in ten years 90% of y'all would be homeless if you didn't have the rest of us paying to fix up your homes after the storms come.

13 years ago @ Social Media Soup - One Audio and Video Pr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Glad you liked it.

13 years ago @ Social Media Soup - Sickening Racist Obama... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't say that all republicans are stupid, but the studies show that more college graduates are democrats than republicans, and that says something as to the quality of education that Republicans have. Now rude sir, tell me - do you have a college diploma?

13 years ago @ Social Media Soup - Sickening Racist Obama... · 0 replies · +1 points

Apparently you can't read as anyone who CAN, can plainly see that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, he has a birth certificate to prove it! You do know that anything you hear on Fixed News is complete rubbish, right?

14 years ago @ Social Media Soup - Patrick Curl Consultin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Brian. I'm glad to be a part of the team, and get to do what I'm passionate about (social media and marketing).

14 years ago @ Social Media Soup - Attn: Daytonians - 3 R... · 0 replies · +1 points

Roseann, as an ex-franchise owner (Fox\'s Pizza Den in Kettering) - I consider franchised businesses to be just as \'local\' as other businesses. I also consider LaRosa\'s since it is out of the Cincy area which isn\'t too far away. To me local is if I can get there with-in an hour or two, if the business is owned or franchised by someone who lives local, etc. I have tried Marion\'s, and Cassano\'s is a personal favorite of mine. Haven\'t tried Paisono\'s but maybe will one of these days, also haven\'t been to Giovannis. As for Dewey\'s - I read their story and they started out of Cincinnati, which is local to me anyways.

14 years ago @ | 2 News - Now you see it, now yo... · 0 replies · 0 points

I'm surprised you haven't broken the story yet about - the Metal Fire that's causing a horrendous burning plastic stench in West Dayton - can hardly breathe in my own home.. worse outside... Very eery feeling seeing smoke (or what I thought was smoke) surrounding your home - and the street and smelling burning plastic.

Especially after just waking up - kinda seemed like a Stephen King novel, or something - or like a bomb had fallen somewhere.

14 years ago @ BlueVerse - Day 30 - Shoemoney Sys... · 0 replies · +1 points

Like I said before he's a scammer, albeit a well-placed one. I mean it's possible the program gets better - but it costs a minimum of $400 just to make your first buck, and that doesn't include if you have to also spend money on ppc or ppv ads.

Of course I'm a do-it your-selfer when it comes to learning. Taught myself social media marketing, blogging, php, mysql, all about wordpress, - the knowledge for most things is out there you just have to find it. All he's done is organize his experience and knowledge - but others have done the same things he's doing and are making money at it - many of which who write blogs and what not.

Though, for someone on a lower level - I could see it being an alright if super-over-priced training, to learn basic internet skills - though the price to value ratio is a little skewed.

14 years ago @ Social Media Soup - Top 100 Social Media C... · 0 replies · +1 points

Point taken - but a little controversy is good for traffic. And if he did do what they alleged, then all\'s fair in slamming the guy. If he didn\'t, then I\'ll be the first to write an apology. I\'m just amazed more news sources haven\'t picked up on this story and ran with it.