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12 years ago @ - Palin: GOP Establishme... · 0 replies · -3 points

If anyone doubts haw low we've gone, ask yourselves (and be honest) if a year ago anyone actually thought "President Newt Gingrich" sounded like a good idea. Now he's considered the savior of conservatism? Really? NEWT FREAKING GINGRICH? We are in deep guano if this is the case. Once again, Republicans have found a way to turn what should be a slam dunk landslide election in their favor against the weakest and most inept president in modern history into an unwinnable clown show. Nice going!

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - OWS' Reaction to TIME'... · 0 replies · +12 points

Literally? You must be a complete dolt.

13 years ago @ - GOP Strikes Back At El... · 0 replies · +2 points

Here here! What this arrogant twit doesn't seem to understand is that before that business ever opens, the owners have paid property tax yearly, paid to have utilities put in, paid to have the site prepped, paid to have environmental impact studies, paid to get issued permits and licenses, paid for multiple inspections every step of the way, paid to widen the roads near the factory, paid local contractors and suppliers for building materials, equipment, and so on, paid to train labor, paid that labor to make their product, paid social security, medicare and worker's comp, in some cases paid to get remedial education for workers who come out of public school unable to read or do simple math, paid for raw materials to make their product, and so on- all before selling and collecting a dime on a single thing. And she also fails to realize that each state and city have offices of economic development that court those businesses to come to their state/city, and offer them incentives to do so. Then political hacks like her turn around and condemn those businesses as "not paying their fair share" simply for taking advantage of the incentives. Gee, I wonder why so many businesses are going offshore?

13 years ago @ - Rep. Walsh to Bashir: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, Martin, that's one helluva re-election slogan you've come up with: "re-elect Obama, because if you don't, you're a racist!"

13 years ago @ - NBC News and Chris Mat... · 3 replies · +4 points

No, Reagan didn't raise taxes at all. No president does. it is Congress who votes to raise taxes. Republicans, operating n the principle that promises mean something, have fallen for the "raise taxes now and we'll cut spending later" ruse time and again- Reagan and then Bush 41 signed bills raising taxes passed by Democrat congresses with assurances of future cuts, only to 1) have the Democrats renege, and 2) blame the president for the tax increase they themselves voted for and begged the president to sign.

13 years ago @ - Black Caucus 'Furious'... · 0 replies · +3 points

Ha ha! Undue attention? But certainly not petulant race-baiting dolts and con artist hustlers like Maxine Waters, John Lewis, Andre Carter, Emmanuel Cleaver, Alcee Hastings, the disgraced idiot Cynthia McKinney, Sheila Jackson Lee, and about a dozen others.

13 years ago @ - Herman Cain: Any Commu... · 0 replies · +7 points

Islam is less a religion than a political system wrapped up in religious terms. It's more like Naziism, dressed up in terms of Aryan glory and Nordic gods. But go ahead and defend a religion that would use it's own law and the point of death to make women cover their bodies from head to toe, be beaten for talking to any man not a relative, be forbidden to drive, make you stop and bow to Allah 5 times a day, segregate public meetings, stone a woman for getting raped (it was her fault, you see) and dozens of other things we would find repugnant here. Here's my basic rule of thumb for the freedom of religion clause: we'll extend it to them when they extend it to their adherents.

What you lefties don't seem to get is that leftist philosophy embodies the Great Satan to these people, and when they do take over, yours will be the first heads to be separated from your bodies. Or do you think they're suddenly going to tolerate gays, co-habiting couples, the denial of the existence of God, recreational drug use, women sleeping around, clubbing, and the daily insults to God you revel in now? It baffles me that folks like you feel so threatened by Christians but defend Islam. Talk about being beyond reason.

13 years ago @ - Herman Cain: Any Commu... · 2 replies · +10 points

Apparently, you missed the part of history where the "indigenous" people from Siberia crossed the Aleutian land bridge and displaced whoever was here before. But don't let that ruin a perfectly good polemic. How far back do you want to go with this silly argument? We are currently being displaced by hispanics. By your "reasoning," we should be killing them to keep them out, and when they do take the country, they should abandon it and give it back. Or you could crack a book and realize that the entire history of the world is comprised of one people group displacing another over time. it has happened since the human race began and will continue.

13 years ago @ - Norah O'Donnell: Obama... · 0 replies · +5 points

And just think, these are the brilliant people who deliver the "news". Yes, Obama has .been more aggressive than Bush. And War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. Norah, you stupendous ignoramus and Demohack cheerleader, Orwell would be so proud of you. Or maybe horrified, since he wrote 1984 as a warning of what could happen if we deteriorated into the nation-state Ms O'Donnell and others like her seem to crave.

13 years ago @ - Embarrassing: College ... · 2 replies · +23 points

I like the Hispanic-looking girl: Basically, "I'm a Democrat because my grandpa went from being a janitor to a judge." Um, no, dear, that would be a self reliant conservative. Democrats would tell him how he can't succeed without becoming dependent on a government program and a cadre of bureaucrats to award him a position based on demographic profiling and affirmative action. Kinda like how we got the empty suit in the White House.