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15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Pakistan:... · 0 replies · +5 points

Quran 8:7 Wipe out the infidels
Q8:12 Strike off their heads

In all cultures, worldwide, Muslim radicals agitate for Islam.

If opposed, they riot, while al Qaeda kills and cuts off heads. The rest of them blame non-Muslims for the conflict.

Why do Western Muslims NEVER publicly protest against the agitators, the rioters or al Qaeda? Because the Koran commands Muslims to KILL THE INFIDELS, but only in defense of Islam, and that’s what radicals and al Qaeda do. And never, in all its history, has Islam stopped defending itself. From rioting and killing over cartoons to 9/11, Muslims are merely doing their duty to Allah, defending Islam. It’s been Islam’s MO since Mo.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Father Za... · 0 replies · +1 points

WIPE OUT THE INFIDELS TO THE LAST. Such Koranic commands are the basis for worldwide Islamofacism, yet few Muslims condemn them. They condemn the terrorists, but never the Koranic commands that motivate terrorism.

Until most Muslims PUBLICLY proclaim: “I RENOUNCE AND CONDEMN ALL KORANIC COMMANDS TO KILL INFIDELS” we are justified in treating them as enemies. It is the only sane approach to THEM -- if you want to stay alive, and free.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Egyptian ... · 0 replies · +1 points

A suggestion for some clever entrepreneur: design a credit card size questionnaire quoting a Koranic example of Islamic barbarism; beneath that quote print: “I condemn the above Koranic quote”; have a space for a signature. We can ask “nice” Muslims to sign the cards. But none will. They’ll launch into their typical Muslim mode: lying, obfuscating, changing the subject . But you’ll know that there is no such animal as a harmless Muslim, even if they’re “nice.”

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Egyptian ... · 0 replies · +3 points

A suggestion for some clever entrepreneur: design a credit card size questionnaire quoting a Koranic example of Islamic barbarism; beneath the quote print: “I condemn and repudiate the above Koranic quote; have a space for a signature. Ask a “nice” Muslim to sign it. If they sign it, give them a hug and a dozen cards for them to have their fellow Muslims sign. If they refuse to sign -- and all will refuse -- and launch into the typical liar, obfuscating dissembling Muslim mode, which is all we see on any web site, then…you’ll know: Muslims are out to destroy our culture -- even the smiley ones who are kiss-our-asses friendly. You’ll understand why we must shun THEM.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Egyptian ... · 0 replies · +3 points

But, thanks to the internet, talk radio and FoxNews, we are learning the truth about Islam. Think about it: We can SEE, on YouTube and this site, the true face of Islam for the first time since the beast Mohamed was alive! We can read the comments of lying, obfuscating Muslims always squirming to avoid blame for every Muslim crime against us. Even the self-hating multiculturalist shills for Islam are slowly shedding their baseless defense of THEM.

Fellow Jews-Christians-Buddhists-Hindus-Copts-agnostics-atheists, we will win this battle because our elite leaders can no longer hide the truth about what Muslims really are up to.

Shun Muslims.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Egyptian ... · 1 reply · +2 points

For over 1,400 years our kings, politicians, businessmen, corporate giants, cultural relativists and all movers-and-shakers have put a cap on the truth about Islam. For reasons of imperialism, sustaining the Industrial Revolution (oil most importantly) and self-hatred (as to cultural relativists, liberals and Hollywood) we common folk simply were kept ignorant of what Islam is. Even today the BM (Big Media) covers up for Islam, refusing to publish the cartoons, show Wilder’s Fitna, banning videos of 9/11, etc. Oh sure, they’ll devote a few minutes to some Muslim pig cutting off his wife’s head, but headlines like, “Muslim Kills His Daughter -- Feminist Movement remains Silent” -- just doesn’t happen. And try to find one school kid in America who’s read passages of the Koran like, “Wipe out the infidels” or “Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes." It just doesn’t happen.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Protest L... · 3 replies · +10 points

Muslims are killing Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Copts, et al. Almost every human conflict on earth involves Muslims -- in Lebanon, Iraq, Gaza, China, East Timor, Thailand, Seychelles, Kenya, Israel, Kashmir, Kosovo, Albania, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Thailand, Cyprus, Nigeria and Sudan.

The Koran commands: "Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them” and “Wipe the infidels out to the last”…and those are but a few concepts guiding the religion of peace.

And you come on with your “love” message crap.

You’re a shill for Islam -- a Muslim or a feckless liberal. You’ll see us all dead, or living as dhimmis.

Shun Muslims…and give liberals grief.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Egyptian ... · 0 replies · +4 points

What non-Muslim isn't fed up with them? On YouTube watch what Muslims do:

-molest dead Chinese women. Search “Jakarta Riots”
-cut off clitorises. Search “Female circumcision”
-behead children. “Lamentari”
-own slaves. “Slavery”
-riot and kill in Europe. “The Fruit of Islam in Europe”
-stone women. Stoning Death
-torture 12 year old wives. Same
-murder their daughters. Honor killing
-blow up planes, trains and buildings full of working people. 9/11, 7/7, Bali, Madrid, etc.

And Muslim outrage against these crimes? None! NONE!

Shun Muslims.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Egyptian ... · 0 replies · +3 points

The United Nation’s Human Development Index ranks nations in terms of life expectancy, education and standard of living. The top 50 are non-Muslim (except for 5 toy nations like UAE). Muslim nations fill up the “came-in-last” section of the list: #76, Saudi Arabia; #102, Indonesia; #136, Pakistan; #140, Bangladesh; #156, Senegal; last, #177, Sierra Leone.

Lay out a world map from 1900. Color the industrialized/advanced nations blue. Now color those nations which are/were Judeo-Christian white. Notice that the blue and white coincide. Now color Muslim nations pink (the color of their army uniforms) and note that…there is no overlap with blue -- none!

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Egyptian ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Why do we waste our time with these dogs? Will "nice" Muslims sign petitions, march in the streets or stand up in their mosques and proclaim, "Enough! Enough!"? Hell no they won't. They never have and never will, no matter what their Muslim leaders say or do to Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus -- all non-Muslims on earth.

I hate them. I really do hate them, especially the "nice" smiley ones who are neighbors and coworkers and TV personalities. I hate them for their damned silence, just as I would have hated "nice" Germans for their silence in promoting Nazism.

Shun the bastards. Make them feel like what they are: OUR ENEMY. Maybe fear will get them to begin to oppose what Islam is doing to the world.