


429 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM GETS HER WAY | Trin... · 0 replies · +2 points

I did not hear his contribution in the debate, did he make one?

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM GETS HER WAY | Trin... · 0 replies · +2 points

sorry, dhansayar mahabir, could not edit the post because it has comments

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM GETS HER WAY | Trin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Equally , following your logic, the UNC has selfish purposes to support the bill as it provides them with an advantage. The point really is, do the PEOPLE want this run off? You will hear the majority vote in 2015 on this question when the UNC is voted out of office.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM GETS HER WAY | Trin... · 2 replies · +7 points

Dhansayar Mahabir displayed a high level of arrogance when the illogic in his ammendment to the run off was posed to him. This man seems to love to hear himself talk. He was rude and condescending. He thinks he can baffle us all with intellectually sounding bs! He can't fool me, I see right through him.

Also, Rolph Balgobin contribution to the bill was one of the worst I have seen. At points in his debate I wondered if he was drunk, at other times he seemed to want to crack jokes in the senate as if this was a comedy show. His behaviour was akin to a talk in a rum shop with friends. His speech was so incoherent and unconnected, I don't know what points he was trying to make. In fact, I don't think there was any salient points of worth in his entire speech.

These two senators are unfit to be in the senate. They are both intellectually incapable, although they promote an otherwise educated an intellegent facade at the surface. But these guys don't fool me!

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM GETS HER WAY | Trin... · 4 replies · +10 points

The run off ammendment by daneshwar mohammed is illogical. If the intended purpose of the run off is to ensure the winner has the majority vote to prevent an immediate recall, why then is the winner of the second run off vote allowed to win with a minority of votes?

It is in fact possible for the winner of the run off to win with as low as 34 percent of the votes cast!!. Isn't that a minority MP? Can't the MP now be immediately recalled?

It is a clear contradiction in law and plainly illogical!! The PM should not be allowed to fool the public by saying the run off will enure a majority MP. How long will this farce continue!

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - What the PM said... | ... · 0 replies · +10 points

Using her PM position to obtain favours, personal enjoyment and free world cup tickets. Flying to brazil to party while poor people in immigration cannot get plane tickets for their children to attend schools , surguries or run their business. Crime, murder, union shutting down whole country and she deserts her responsibility and does not even have the deceny to tell this country when she is coming back. Shameless! On top of all that , use our taxpayers money to pay soca warriors as a distraction and a smoke screen in an attempt to appease poor suffering people who are blue vex about her joy ride to brazil.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Fuad: COSTAATT taking ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree, but COSTATT will never upgrade their courses

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Fuad: COSTAATT taking ... · 0 replies · +1 points

spending time on the wards and being trained primarily in the wards through clinical placements are something totally different. We need to replace our written exams with observation of performance in the wards as the primary method of assessment for certification as done in the developed countries. Nurses should be spending 75% of their time in the wards undergoing hands-on training and assessment and 25% in the classroom doing RELEVANT theory to support their ward duties, not the other way around!!!!! COSTATT slavish reliance to written exams on mainly irrelevant academic courses as the primary method of certification wil be this country's undoing!!!

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Fuad: COSTAATT taking ... · 2 replies · 0 points

Nurses should be trained in the hospital wards rather than the classroom. This system of memorizing facts and regurgitating it on written exams will never ensure competence of nurses. COSTATT does not seem to understand this. We need to overhaul the entire system for training of nurses as done in first world countries. I agree with Fuad here, COSTATT training of nurses is archaic and the many academic courses and pen and paper exams are irrelevant. We need to adopt an competence-based approach to nurse training rather than and academic exam based system. Nurses should be trained and observed on the wards treating patients under controlled condition to ensure no harm is caused to patients. Related health theory must be integrated into competence training and must be RELEVATNT to the job. A properly implemented competence-based system for nurse training will provide a larger numbers of higher quality nurses in a shorter time to the hospital wards.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - RACE PROBE | Trinidad ... · 0 replies · +1 points

you should be banned from posting!!!! are you another unc plant???