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16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points

CSPAN as of Saturday Jan-17- is having a Dialogue as point of information. I have read many comments on this website and there are some deep and thoughtful words being left on the website. Let us encourage our friends, family, and those abroad to come to the website to share their concerns and encourage them to come here and share, learn, and find out how they can get involved.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 1 reply · +1 points

May we all feel inspired and challenged as we celebrate collectively this moment in history how we can "continue" to stay active, involved, and committed to come together from different walks of life and share in a common theme of working together, passing on ideas to one another, and challenging each other to agree to disagree without losing sight of what brings us all here, a common goal to learn, become informed, nurture new ideas and thoughts, become aware of resources, and seek opportunitiy where there is challenge, and to renew hope where their is doubt, and to remain confidant that this site here and the people here together can help Mr. Obama bring forth the change that will lead us in the right direction for our country.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Rob4f07 ,not Ro4f07- humble apolgoies.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points

We Hope so SteveW_Ohio.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · 0 points

Let us remember why we are here- to listen and contribute with respect to solving problems and/or expressing problems so that (solutions can considered) so as one person put it- lets continue and not let this setback ( which some of us agree and disagree with ) undermine why we are here in the first place, we have all invested too much and have come too far to let this divide us- especially when we know where Mr. Obama stands on his policy (and when there is so many areas that are facing our country that demand our energy, time and input), so lets us continue do the work that the transition team has called upon us.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +2 points

As we all share our feelings, wisdom, and experience, let us continue to feel inspired to bring to the table as we continue to take away feelings, wisdom, and experience from the table and share them with our local community. Let us also continue to stay engaged in helping others help themselves (by spreading good ideas, adding constructive critiques, and providing info about useful resources and links) and inspiring others to come to the "this table" as well. Since change is constant, lets continue this cycle with a positive attitude in the right direction.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · 0 points

Some would also have said that you would never see a woman or a Black man run for or become president, or that we would have a Gay and Lesbian marching for the inauguration . Case in point, the only thing that is constant is "change"...The type of change is key. We on this website have already made the first step, by not going with the status quo and not ending our commitment to stay involved and engaged after the election, no we have decided to make a choice to "continue" to stay involved and make a difference because we have the right and because we feel, driven to. Everyone one of you reading this and taking part in these many discussions are leaders who understand the power of coming together to contribute to our present and future success. It is important that as we continue to have these discussions on this website, we remember that it is okay to agree to disagree and still have respect for other people’s choices or rights or opinions.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points

The fact the Mr. Obama says that inspite of his faith he does not feel his views should be imposed on to All Americans reflects his devotion of seperation from Church and State. You may disagree with this statement but that is the whole point that people can come and agree to disagree while at the same time (being willing to listen, learn and) agree to arrive at a common ground where two different people with different opinons can have resepct for one another.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 1 reply · +2 points

People who are waiting for Mr. Obama to fail are saying here-you go- he can't keep his base in check- but what they don't understand and failed to over the last 8 years- is that Mr. Obama knows that all us and (everyone in the country ) will be the people he will lead and represent. He knows that becuase he has engaged us, he knows that we will always express to him how we feel and he welcomes that, think about that. How many times in the past did we express our concerns only to get a response from VP Cheany such as "so". Mr. Obama is taking a risk here to gain a opportunity of discussion b/w people (all people) who disagree on policies in order to reply to a history of misunderstanding and different opinons with openess from others with different persepctives so people can evolve in their understanding and gain a apprecaition of cultural sensitvity.

16 years ago @ Change.gov - Change.gov: The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points

People who are waiting for Mr. Obama to fail are saying here-you go- he can't keep his base in check- but what they don't understand and failed to over the last 8 years- is that Mr. Obama knows that all us and (everyone in the country ) will be the people he will lead and epresent. He knows that becuase he has engaged us, he knows that he will always express to him how we feel and he welcomes that, think about that. How many times in the past did we express our concerns only to get a response from VP Cheany such as "so". Mr. Obama is taking a risk here to gain a opportunity of discussion b/w people (all people) who disagree on policies in order to reply to a history of misunderstanding and different opinons with openess from others with different persepctives so people can evolve in their understanding and gain a apprecaition of cultural sensitvity. The fact tha Mr. Obama says that inspite of his faith he does not feel his views should be impose on to All Americans reflects his devotion of seperation from Church and State. You may disagree with this statement but that is the whole point that people can come and agree to disagree while at the same time agreeing to common to a common ground where two different people with different opinons can have resepct for one another.