Why should I be concerned about a bunch of spineless jellyfish? Other than the fatheaded elitests that think they own the world and their lap dog minions there is nothing they are going to do beyond what they have already done. The progressives have gone into full campaign mode to antagonize the very people that give them power. Does anyone think they will read this?
I think it is too late for politicians to wake up. A "stimulus" that does nothing for the economy, a cap/trade bill that does nothing to protect the environment, and a health care bill that controls cost with genocide against the elderly are three strikes that progressives cannot hide from. They can only lie and hope that the facts stay hidden.
If Republicans are only looking to get political traction from the birth certificate question then they deserved to be called on that. I say let the legal system work to answer the birth certificate question and let congress work to propose solutions to problems like health care, energy, and the economy. The birth certificate question is legitimate but it must not be a distration from stemming the tide of Fascism/SociaIism. Obama is not alone in his actions and I want every last progressive held accountable for actions taken against this country. Bill is looking at the big picture and so should we.
The lure of higher taxes to pay for more government control is too much. Will Joe Biden come out now and say that we need to raise taxes now in order to lower taxes later? They must think there are a lot of stupid people out here that will swallow all the garbage jammed down our throat.
Chavez is working hard to keep up with Obama. Maybe he needs about 50 Tzars?
Glenn mentioned on his show that the SEIU agenda lines up very close to the "stimulus" bill. I think that special interests have had things in their back pocket for a long time and Obama opened the door to make it happen. SEIU has also been a prime consultant for Obama on health care legislation.
Only Glenn can tell you for sure why he is hopeful. I am hopeful because Glenn has rallied 10 million Americans to support his effort to save traditional America. Glenn has talked about his prior experience where people did not want to listen because times were relatively good. Maybe people are listening more now that we have bad conditons but people are coming together in the spirit of 9/12. When we look at people as Americans instead of party affiliation problems can be solved.
Time to make the government fear the people instead of people fearing the government. For those "representatives" with the courage to hold town hall events they should get an ear full of what we don't like. If that takes yelling and protests then so be it. Their mindless talking points are not good enough anymore.
Dodd lives in Fanstasy Land so he will probably get treatment there.
Taxes are being used for sociaI engineering by the progressives. I am sick of the attack on profits being made by the progressives. The free market system functions efficiently because of profits and elimination of profits means destruction of capitalism and the free market system. Next time someone complains about profits ask if they want to eliminate the free markets and switch to total government control (e.g. sociaIism, fascism, communism, etc)