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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 6/5 · 0 replies · 0 points


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 6/5 · 0 replies · 0 points

Also, if you haven't seem Kymatica yet, I strongly recommend it:

If you missed the Kevin Trudeau interview, then here it is again: Everyone should listen to this in order to understand what's really going on in the world 'behind the scenes' and why America is slipping into the ocean.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 6/5 · 4 replies · -3 points

Personally, I found the shock of the 9/11 lies to be the beginning of what can only be described as a 'spiritual awakening'. I think others here have also been through this experience.

For you - and also those that found the Kevin Trudeau interview interesting - I think you might like this:

I found it intriguing to say the least. Who can say if the 'Insider' is genuine or not, but I believe there are some profound messages in this 'exchange' regardless.

I've come to see that we have a LOT to learn about our planet and this universe, but we're slowly getting there. Are we getting there fast enough to save ourselves? I don't know. Are we being helped? I believe so.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · -4 points

For those in denial, I suggest using your own eyes to make your own judgment. If you don't have the strength to do this, then please move on to another subject. This one is not for you.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 9 replies · -1 points

Forgot to mention - you might recognise George Humphrey from The Obama Deception, which seems to be gaining in popularity, big time.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · -1 points

Great idea - I've emailed Glenn to suggest this!!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 67 replies · -22 points

I get the distinct feeling that more and more people here are opening their minds to the strong possibility that 9/11 was an inside job. For those of you that find yourself frightened by this and asking some BIG questions, then this encouraging video might be for you...

The truth of 9/11 will be the key to bringing about massive changes in America - and the world for that matter. This event was so huge, so far-reaching and so history-changing. It shocked the world. But the murderers went too far this time - they left too many clues and didn't cover their tracks completely. It's going to be their downfall sometime soon. The truth cannot be suppressed.

It is in this sincere belief that I and others here are raising the subject of 9/11.

Of course there are still many people that become aggressive at this suggestion. If you are one of these (as I used to be), then with the greatest of respect, this post is not for you. In other words, please don't shoot the messenger.


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 3 replies · -1 points

This is powerful stuff - something that everyone can apply.
The fact that nobody has replied indicates the apathy here.
Everyone is conditioned to point the finger at 'them', but is not willing to seize an opportunity to actually DO something positive to change things.
The US is in a sad, sad state.
When are you going to stop looking towards others to fix things and actually fix things YOURSELVES???

This is something valuable you can learn and apply, and you all just pass it by.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 77 replies · -11 points

It's time for me to move on from this forum. Most people here don't want to hear what I have to say, such is the horrendous degree of degredation.

A parting message for you all:


If we all did this, we might be able to save our world. If we continue without changing ourselves, we are in big trouble. Look within yourself for the solution, not to others. By giving, we empower others to do the same.

There is only one of us here. Think about that....

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 1 reply · +2 points

Does anyone know how to get to old posts?
Why do they arbitrarily reset?