


16 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Halolz - WHERE IN THE WORLD IS.... · 0 replies · +2 points

well i tried my hardest

14 years ago @ Halolz - WHERE IN THE WORLD IS.... · 0 replies · 0 points

*cough* nagrand

15 years ago @ Halolz - Zis WILL be ze the las... · 2 replies · +1 points

but then i made the heavy a sandvich

15 years ago @ Halolz - CUT IT OUT, MEGAMAN! · 0 replies · +1 points

wow i never noticed this before

15 years ago @ Halolz - CAVES - Giving people ... · 2 replies · +8 points

when i was younger i always thought that he was one of those guys that guards Buckingham palace and is not allowed to move

partly because he never was able to move as beating the elite four in yellow was a lot harder that it is now a days

15 years ago @ Halolz - CAPTAIN FALCONCHU · 0 replies · +1 points

ok i- i seriously dont know this time

15 years ago @ Halolz - IT WAS THAT KABOOM VID... · 0 replies · +1 points

Michal Jackson jokes where funny but this is way too soon!

15 years ago @ Halolz - HERE COMES A NEW CHALL... · 3 replies · +1 points

no i want to eat it

15 years ago @ Halolz - HERE COMES A NEW CHALL... · 8 replies · +1 points

then pie

15 years ago @ Halolz - RUN COWARDS! I LIVE! · 2 replies · +1 points

"i am flaming heavy weapons guy and this is my weapon" *looks at molten metal on floor*