


9 comments posted · 2 followers · following 1

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 146 - Crypticism · 1 reply · +1 points

eternal refuge is plit into numerouse pieces and is some where that it cannot normally be retrieved, probably slipspace.

in other words part or all of it but in parts, is in slipspace

i think that the AI's that reclaimer has with him are trying to get him to reclaim EF from slipspace, or maybe a part of it

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 146 - Crypticism · 3 replies · +1 points

ok, the scary thing is this might be the first one in this setting that i have actually understood.

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 146 - Crypticism · 1 reply · +2 points

its a bit like old english, the queens english, and then local english

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 133 - Particle Beam · 3 replies · +2 points

do i spy a few halo:CE references there, name hushed casket and the disruption of the energy beams, going to be interesting to see how he gets round that however since he cant justboost his shielding, even if he could i doubt it would be safe with all the damage he has sustained, would be interested to see what condition things are in with regards to that

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 128 - Monitoring the S... · 2 replies · +1 points

huh, where did all the comments go?

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 128 - Monitoring the S... · 2 replies · +1 points

ok, you got me, im lost

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 126 - Armistice · 2 replies · +1 points

i wouldn't put it past him, it's his sort of thing to pull something out of the hat that hardly anyone had seen coming.

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 126 - Armistice · 3 replies · +3 points

interesting,m having read all the different theories one thing seemed to stand out. obviousely the whole thing about the shatterbox with no ai and im liking the mass erffect style theory but one things seems to be sticking

the cavalcada are seperate entities that allowed themselves to be seperated because the forerunner saw them as becoming too powerfull, yet not long after they seperated along came the flood and forced them to activate the halo grid.

that point is whats sticking, was it the fact that the forerunners asked the cavalada to split that cause them to be surprised by the flood and get left with no other option, perhaps with the cavalcada still intact as a single unit the firing of the ring may not have been required.


perhaps the cavalcada are the reason for the flood attack in the first place, just because they are extragalactical does not mean that they couldnt have been created and controlled by something in this galaxy.

perhaps the biggest plot twist is to come in that ferial is not actually the one(s) that is playing everyone but the cavalcada are.

[all that said i could just be clutching at random straws, i allways figured ferial as being more then one entity linked by perhaps some common cause, not exactly 3 beings as one type of thing but it doesn't surprise me as such, however the shatter box is kinda new, but it had crossed my mind as to whether he/they were some form of AI]

16 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 125 - Forewarned Is Fo... · 2 replies · +1 points

oooo, new id system, oh, wait, comic.

nice job, does that mean reclaimer wont have to return there for this particular cavalcada? also what long term effect is the unstable cavalcada going to have on him, eg, what if (and he probably will) he runs into feral or any of the other charactors that fall into the "im an enemy but im innocent with it" catagory