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14 years ago @ DCnepal Main Page - यचुरीले ... · 0 replies · +1 points

At the end of the day we are sold to foreigners and foregn influence. We have got historical impotent leaders to lead our nation. Shame on them and shame on us who kowtow to our so called and self proclaimed leaders.

14 years ago @ DCnepal Main Page - ओवादीको ... · 0 replies · +1 points

This "mother of all evil" should be eliminated from the face of Nepal. Is not their any "mai ka laal"? Oh! heaven!!

14 years ago @ DCnepal Main Page - राजासहि... · 0 replies · +1 points

गोविन्द तिम्रो भाषा पढ्दै था भो नि को बौलाहा अनि को सद्दे भनेर|बढ़ी कुरो किन बोल्नु र?

14 years ago @ Mysansar - प्रचण्ड ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Good research, dude:)

14 years ago @ Mysansar - प्रचण्ड ... · 1 reply · +2 points

Milanji your name is sweet. However, I am afraid your sweat dream of Nepal becoming Switzerland and/or Singapore possibly under Baburam will be dashed. You can not make good wine from rotten grapes. Whole of Mao-ist party along with YCL and those 19000 unemployed youths. To make a good wine you have to have a skill to select high standard grapes. When we talk about selection then it comes down to the democracy; NOT the communism. In communism, you do not select as a citizen, you let Politburo to do the job in a hope of SARBAHAR, which never exists. A communism gives you two tiered society, One ruler and second ruled. Rulers are the members of communist party and ruled is we, general population. They live the lavish life selling a sweat dream to us. We live always in deprivation and scarcity giving up all our rights to these thugs in a hope (always) of becoming prosperous as that of western world. That becomes mirage in the desert of communist world until a guy like Deng of China comes along and ditches the communism in favour of capitalism.

14 years ago @ Mysansar - प्रचण्ड ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Bravo Bir ji. I think so too.

14 years ago @ Mysansar - प्रचण्ड ... · 1 reply · +2 points

होइन मेरो पनी दाहालनै भनम न केहोला ? "यसो गारे कसो होला "

14 years ago @ Mysansar - प्रचण्ड ... · 5 replies · +1 points

कश्यपजी, तपाई त एकै चोटी उफ्रिनो भो नि, किन चोर को खुट्टा काट भन्दा, स्वात्त खुट्टा झिक्या झै| के भो? त्यों लूतको सम्पत्तिमा तपाईको पनी कही भाग थियो की कसो? हामीले कैले हामी कांग्रेसको त्यों पनी, गिरिजाको र उसका संतान अni कांग्रेस भित्रको आची जस्तो कुरालाई समर्थन गरेर यो मेरो संसारमा लेखेका छू रा, तापैहरू जस्तो "प्रचंड पथ, बाबुराम "पथ" अणि अरु के हो के, गाना र भजन गाउँदै| भन्नुस न बरु के का लागी यत्रो धुन धान को बिरोध हो, प्रजातंत्र बाड़ी हरु प्रति?;)

14 years ago @ Mysansar - प्रचण्ड ... · 12 replies · +1 points

That is the spirit madanman ji. I, too, do not held any personal ill feelings towards you and/or Pushpa or anybody else. My opposition is with the Mao-ists and their agenda really. I am opposed to their grabbing properties, recruiting youths to YCL, amassing wealth in the name of sarbahara by extortion and ransom. Dividing country in different ethnic and linguistic lineage, talking more about Sarbahara to general public but tliving a lavish, sophisticated life style for themselves, Talking about "nagarik Sarbochchata" but for whom? The list if I sit down to compile, it will keep going and going, yet what surprises e is that you guys are trying to close your eyes and give this anti Nepal group a second chance based upon completely ignorant base. When we sit down and talk about the scenarios that is engulfing the whole of our country, you argue that they are given mandate to rule. That is not true. The truth is that they have the largest sit in the assembly, but not outright majority. When the situation like this arises, negotiation and taking other fringe parties into confidence plays a vital role in survival as a govt. If the leading party behaved in a way of dictator then the fate will starts biting. That is what has happened to Maoi-ists.

14 years ago @ Mysansar - प्रचण्ड ... · 0 replies · 0 points

It is true to the fact that present Swine flu should be taken as a common flu or a seasonal flu. However. precautionary measures such as avoiding a crowd, wearing a mask and washing hand frequently especially after touching something and/or somebody is an essential part of prevention from getting more seriously ill and spreading. when you have signs and symptoms of it, Rest and plenty of fluid with regular 1 gm of paracetamol (adult dose) every 4 hours is another way of dealing with it. Tamiflu is a drug of choice in this aspect. You should take it ASAP symptoms appears. There is no rigid rule to give this medicine only to the age group you mentioned. Any body should take it if they can afford it, as I said it is one of the very expensive medicine. A definite dx of swine flu is by a swab taken from back of the mouth through nose.