Lothar Tuppan

Lothar Tuppan


8 comments posted · 3 followers · following 1

14 years ago @ The Wild Hunt - Quick Note: The Danger... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you!

While many polytheisms (modern ones included) don't inherently fall within the distinctions of 'right hand' or 'left hand' paths (as understood from a modern academic pov) all too often the (hard or soft) polytheists that tend towards a 'we all a part of the oneness, and all gods are therefore facets of that One source' are defaulting to a 'right hand path' baseline.

14 years ago @ The Wild Hunt - Asatru and the Alterna... · 0 replies · +2 points

"Frankly, I find that whenever I go to large heathen gatherings these days, I find not even a whiff of neo-nazis. If they are there, they are very quiet about it, I suspect because they know no one is interested in the crap they are pushing. The AFA people I've met are nothing like the hobgoblins you describe, although of course i have not met every AFA member, so those hobgoblins might be out there somewhere. "

This has been my experience on the whole also. The exceptions, while unpleasant, are in the extreme minority.

14 years ago @ The Wild Hunt - Asatru and the Alterna... · 1 reply · +3 points

Except, and what I think Bogomil is saying, is that those of us who have stayed *have* made a difference. and although this thread may show that the situation isn't perfect, it *has* progressed a lot since you left.

There is always going to be ignorance and fear in the world - and actions based upon such Thursic traits. Those of us who are true to the gods will fight against such things being done in their name. While we will leave the individuals and groups who hold such beliefs, we won't leave the gods because of what other do in their names.

For the most part I agree with Bogomil when he says:
"Those who actually stayed with the religion despite the idiots (on both sides) grew up and got over it. It's too bad that you can't even though you left. "

The situation is a lot better due to people who didn't leave and had to put up with a lot of unpleasant situations while fighting to improve the situation. Equating the situation of 15 years ago with today belittles what has been achieved.

14 years ago @ The Wild Hunt - Asatru and the Alterna... · 1 reply · +3 points

Hi eveghost. You bring up a very good point which is that just because one worships the same gods doesn't mean that you have enough in common to be in close community with them, let alone form/join a Kindred.

It can take a really long time to find the right people to form those bonds with. It's well worth the struggle but it can also be a long lonely road.

14 years ago @ The Wild Hunt - Asatru and the Alterna... · 2 replies · +2 points

(Continued from above)
I'm not following a truly unbroken line of practice so, yeah, I'm a Neo-Pagan
"Oh I get it, I went to a Wiccan ritual once. It's like that right? By the way have you read 'Pop-Culture Magick'? It shows how you can include modern fictional entities into your practice. And Inanna's my favorite Goddess."

Well, actually, although I'm friends with a lot of different magical pracitioners, I'm more of a Reconstructionist.
"Oh I get it, I went to an ADF gathering once. So, you're a Druid then?"

No, I follow the Germanic gods and practice a Germanic form of magic.
"Oh... so what's that"

Well, we call ourselves 'Heathen' and this is what it's about... (enter long enthusiastic primer here).

"Heathen" is just a way to be specific.

As Siegfried indicated with his links (the Uppsalaonline one below is especially informative) there are a lot of us that don't stand for racism.

14 years ago @ The Wild Hunt - Asatru and the Alterna... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thank you for posting this Siegfried. This entire situation has been saddening but when I read Ananta's post I thought "great, now we're *all* gonna be considered racists by some people."

Ananta, *please* don't assume that 'Heathen' is a code word for any type of racism. The vast majority of us use it for no other reason than to be specific, especially when talking with others in the greater Pagan community (I live in California so the following constructed 'responses' is actually quite representative to discussions I've had):


14 years ago @ The Wild Hunt - Paganism! Paganism! Pa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Awesome idea for a bit of ontological warfare. ;-)

14 years ago @ The Wild Hunt - Paganism! Paganism! Pa... · 0 replies · +1 points

According to the article Jason linked to they are trying it for the 'Year and a Day' version, which seems very appropriate for teenagers, especially when their families are involved in their lives in this way.

Good on the parents and the kids I say.