


23 comments posted · 5 followers · following 3

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Violent Thugs Disrupt ... · 0 replies · +15 points

And this organised criminal/political gang has the audacity to label the BNP as 'thugs'. This latest violent incident by UAF (formerly the failed ANL) proves that they are the real thugs and are sponsored and agitated by the Lib/Lab/Con hate brigade. But our time has come no matter what, and when we have the power, we should embark on a series of criminal prosecutions against the ringleaders of this hate gang. Keep the faith, restore Britain by supporting the BNP!

15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP’s “Def... · 1 reply · +19 points

The failed, sleazy British Establishment are afraid this morning because they know that only the BNP can and will end their decades of privilege, greed, betrayal and outright lies. These two elected MEPs are the first two major stepping stones on which the BNP will build a socio-political powerhouse for the good of Britain. But first of all, the threat of UKIP has to be dealt with and quickly!

15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Wins Second Euro S... · 0 replies · +5 points

The beginning of the end for the corrupt British Establishment and the end of the beginning for the mainstream BNP!

15 years ago @ BNPtv - Racial Grooming - Part... · 0 replies · +1 points

I know a former police officer in Nottinghamshire with 20 years service. He decided to challenge the former Chief Constable Steve Green on race crime figures and would not drop his campaign for the truth. After a bitter exchange with the useless political policeman Green, my source was arrested on a trumped-up rape charge by 8 uniformed and CID 'police officers'. He was released without charge but the hate campaign so terrorised his wife that he had to drop his investigation into race crime statistics. This was the purpose behind the trumped up charge. Forget the modern police being here to 'protect' us because they are riddled with Marxists at the top who enforce the disastrous multi-racial society by any means necessary. I would not trust a police officer today to give me the correct time of day. VOTE BNP and let's retake our country and protect our people with a real police service.

15 years ago @ BNPtv - Racial Grooming - The ... · 0 replies · +4 points

This is downright evil and is tantamount to the white slave trade being operated in West Yorkshire by gangs of Muslim 'men' who target their victims on the grounds of race and religion. The way to stop this vile trade is quite simple: VOTE BNP!

15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Launches “Re... · 1 reply · +6 points

The recall of all MPs to Parliament would be an excellent idea because the police should be able to arrest them all together at one time for a series of criminal acts against the British people.

We should also remember the outstanding bravery of former MPs who once fought and died for our nation like John Hampden 'The Patriot' and compare his bravery and sacrifice against the vermin who dwell in the House of Commons today. Only a Vote for the BNP will end this racket!

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Ghost Vote Polling Fra... · 0 replies · +2 points

I was out in Heanor, Derbyshire on Friday afternoon, and saw two things and one that surprised me:

1. The local church flying the flag of St George which looked great

2. A disgruntled little Searchlight rat pushing or trying to push 'Hope not Hate' leaflets to the public. I did not see one person take a leaflet

Let's hope Searchlight get the message after 4 June when many thousands of people like me VOTE BNP!

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Scandal: British Forei... · 0 replies · +3 points

The British people lose out again: when a third of our NHS staff come from the Third World, we are left with an increasingly Third World 'health' system. And now the foreign 'aid' budget resembles a lucky dip lottery fund for foreigners who win every time... free aid and free medicine, who would be British these days? I would regardless and will vote BNP to defend my Britishness and the NHS!

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Media Lie Alert: Fabri... · 0 replies · +3 points

Quite apart for the bogus 'investigation of the BNP by the Electoral Commission; the Serious Fraud Squad should be investigating The Sunday Times over its bogus travel companies that exist only on paper to cover the tracks of its crooked 'journalists' . Perhaps they should start by seizing the records from the Premier Lodge, St Pancras, London, where The Sunday Times rents rooms for its unethical and illegal activities. VOTE BNP to put the crooks where they belong....

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Media Lie Alert: Fabri... · 0 replies · +4 points

Quite apart for the bogus 'investigation of the BNP by the Electoral Commission; the Serious Fraud Squad should be investigating The Sunday Times over its bogus travel companies that exist only on paper to cover the tracks of its crooked 'journalists' . Perhaps they should start by seizing the records from the Premier Lodge, St Pancras, London, where The Sunday Times rents rooms for its unethical and illegal activities. VOTE BNP to put the crooks where they belong....