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11 years ago @ http://denaeadventures... - the black hole of maki... · 0 replies · +1 points

We could not afford to pay the basic bills if I quit work. We would qualify for CHIP if I quit. That is the catch 22 portion of all this nonsense. :(
My recent post 5 Things Normal People do When They are Sick

11 years ago @ New Mom Survival Adven... - Toddler Throwdown: Cut... · 0 replies · +1 points

I concur. =)

12 years ago @ http://www.grumblesand... - take better pictures w... · 1 reply · +1 points

Love this. Please do a part two on using the Camera+ app. I also need help with learning cartwheels and how to draw a straight line. Thankyouverymuch.

12 years ago @ New Mom Survival Adven... - http://newmomadventure... · 0 replies · +1 points

99% of this is depression/anxiety (his) based - and repetitious - its unfair to rail against the disease but I do frequently b/c you are right. It does suck. I hope you see the end of the tunnel soon. Dont discount the wrk stuff, it packs a doozy, especially with the Navy who controls your life not just mon through fri from 8 to 5.

12 years ago @ New Mom Survival Adven... - http://newmomadventure... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ha! That was two weeks and three weekends of stuff because I am rotten at posting timely updates. You frequently put my productivity to shame. Plusalso, the lawn went 3 weeks without mowing..... oops. And I dont even want to address the dishes situation or how many nights we had mac n' cheese or pizza for dinner.

Whale story: I was headed to fridge for Elena's milk and felt leaping over husband's legs would be quicker than waiting for him to move them. (<-impatience: secret source of productivity) So I leaped in a jete' style leap over his legs. I was on track for a successful landing. Everything was smooth. All he had to do was STAY STILL. Needless to say he decided to bend his knees up to remove the obstacle after I had already launched all over 150 pounds (no one needs exact numbers) of 7 months pregnant me. He hit my legs with his knees. I got one successful foot landed and was knocked off balance, cursing in baby and MIL appropriate language (we were at the inlaws) and jumping around on one foot until I collapsed in his lap. Without my successful half landing and bouncing, he would have been a dead man. No one can survive that much flying weight landing on them. Especially my thin husband. He should be thankful his wife is so graceful.

12 years ago @ http://www.grumblesand... - happy birthday, three · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh my gosh. Too adorable. I think Harper (at Harper's Happenings) has competition. Happy Birthday little man!
My recent post Celebrating fall with Pumpkin Coconut Muffins

12 years ago @ New Mom Survival Adven... - Perfect Pancakes · 0 replies · +1 points

lol Why dont they tell the guys that? I am completely against the fantastical ideal of price charming. He doesnt exist and it makes little boys believe the reverse is true - that the perfect princess exists.

12 years ago @ New Mom Survival Adven... - How we did baby led we... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you Lisa for visiting. I am glad you liked the article, if you have any questions just let me know. Congrats on your new addition. Little boys are so much fun. I cant wait to add ours to our family too!

12 years ago @ http://www.grumblesand... - one hundred and two · 0 replies · +1 points

I have no idea how long my longest record is for not hair washing. While my hair talent is not as strong as yours I frequently go long period without washing. It currently looks freshly washed. I dont remember when it was washed. I think about a week ago. I do not have thick hair, at all. I like bouncy hair. I find the longer I ignore it, the longer it lasts before becoming a grease pit. Lots of hair touching dramatically reduces its lasting power. As does conditioner. I NEVER condition the roots, EVER. That is like putting coconut oil on my fine hairs roots. I too only condition the length. Just commenting to say, it is possible to dramatically reduce hair washing - even without a hairicorn.
My recent post How we did baby led weaning.

12 years ago @ New Mom Survival Adven... - 10 Reasons Today Rocks... · 0 replies · +1 points

You need to change that. Who doesnt like good food., more gossip time, and less prep and clean up? We schedule our potluck every month and assign type of food to bring. This time I have salad. How easy is that?!