This is a reply to all of those who gave me encouragment: I'm going to practice the twelfth value of gratitude and thank you all for your support. It is good to know there are people out there standing up together! Plus, that's a great vid viv! Heymom and Mugwump... good words, thanks! mtnman, I usually say "Life Goes On" and my wife laughs at me, but there is something to be said when "We surround them" is voiced. Stateofjeferson: thanks for turning me on to those passages - much appreciated! I'm trying to find those petitions...
Right now, I'm frustrated with all that is going on in DC. I've called my elected official, I've tried to keep up with what is going on, and I feel I am two steps behind the curve. With this H.R. 875 FSMA act, the broadness of its language and the possible restrictions it has on "farmers" (and I use quotation marks because the definition of what a farm is seems very unclear). I work at a feed store and I talk with farmers now and then. One of my bosses has a few cows and it could have a major effect on him. We have these excessive pay bills that will give an unelected official more power to do whatever he wants. One of the authors couldn't answer a simple question from Niel Kavuto, and Rep. Frank is living up his new found power that he has people quaking in his shadow.
What do I do about it? I tell people what is going on, I put links on my facebook page, and my grey hairs have gone from 100 to about 3000.
I guess the best thing for me to do is keep going, keep doing, have faith and know if I have done my part - then I've done all I can.