16p10 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
15 years ago @ Red Ferret - Eco Drain - recycle yo... · 1 reply · 0 points
16 years ago @ Jeff McCord's Blo... - Getting Woopra Install... · 1 reply · +1 points
16 years ago @ Jeff McCord's Blo... - Using iGoogle Widgets ... · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ Jeff McCord's Blo... - Smoky Mountain Memorie... · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ GeekBrief.TV - GBTV #0296 | GeekBrief.TV · 0 replies · +1 points
This is the time we celebrate the computer we love. We want you to love it too. It's okay that you don't will. You'll be drawn to the Mac slowly and eventually your resistance will break down and when you switch, you'll understand why we gush.
Apple inspires creativity. Linux inspires investigation. Windows inspires problem solving. The Apple inspiration is the one we're happy to evangelize.
16 years ago @ GeekBrief.TV - Shame on Gizmodo · 2 replies · 0 points
16 years ago @ iCali | iPhone tips, n... - Operation Keynote · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ GeekBrief.TV - Not Early Adopting HD-DVD · 0 replies · +1 points
17 years ago @ GeekBrief.TV - GBTV #0260 | GeekBrief.TV · 0 replies · +1 points
17 years ago @ GeekBrief.TV - GBTV #0256 | GeekBrief.TV · 3 replies · +2 points
Cali wasn't one of the "cool" kids. She was a honors student who hung out with a few kids in the drama department (although, she was too shy to do drama herself). She built her first Web site in HTML (no WYSIWYG) when she was 14.
In our youth group at church, she would sit down beside the most socially, ill-equipped kids and talk to them. She wasn't being nice. She was just being who she is. I think that's when I fell in love with her.
You would be right to speculate that she didn't get made fun of by the jocks like you and I did. And, you're right that she didn't grow up playing DND. Youth pastors said it was "evil" and we trusted their opinions at the time.
We're all about enlarging the borders of Geekdom so more people, not fewer, boldly proclaim, "I'm a geek and I'm proud!" (preferably in a Scottish accent). :)
On the other hand, we believe there is a distinction between geeks and nerds. A geek can operate in the world with almost complete stealth. You might never know a geek is a geek unless you go home with him or her. A nerd, however, wears his or her nerdiness on his or her respective sleeve (or t-shirt).
Geekiness is about passion. You can be a music geek, a computer geek, a food geek, a gaming geek, a film geek, a math geek, a literary geek, and the list goes on. A geek's passions run deep, but nerdiness is MORE pervasive. It starts at one's core a permeates every ounce of a Nerd's being.
Geeks tend to look at Nerds with a since of appreciation and awe because we sense in them a lovable authenticity that brings to mind Roberto Benigni's Oscar acceptance speech. His response to his win came from his core rather than a since of social dignity.
The other school of thought is that geeks and nerds are the same, but the word geek is positive and the word nerd is derogatory. Either way, the good news is we get to make life up as we go and we can define ourselves however we like. That's pretty cool.