Nathan McMillen

Nathan McMillen


24 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

13 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - Not My Story Anymore · 0 replies · +1 points

Exactly! Love the team sport analogy...

13 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - True Generosity · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for commenting, Rich! Good point. I have met people who regretted not being generous. You never want to ask yourself later, "What if...?"

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - My favorite video righ... · 0 replies · +1 points

best. video. ever. this is one case where using hamsters in your advertising may help Kia. It didn't work so well for Quizno's (if you remember back in the day)...

14 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - Proud Dad Moment.1 · 0 replies · +1 points

exactly - wasn't sure how many people would get the reference!

14 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - Grace and Mercy · 0 replies · +1 points

It's amazing what happens sometimes when we don't get what we want, but get what we need... and I gotta admit - never had Angie's Subs, but am going to have to make the effort! :-)

14 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - Official Response To: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The tone of your reply is a little coarse - so again - I re-iterate... play nicely. A couple of things I would point out:

She states at the beginning this is her her vantage point and also describes things which have helped shape that vantage point. She states not that she perceives 'health' or 'healthiness' as a right but 'HealthCARE'.

You are obviously in disagreement. I would ask, " what has shaped your vantage point to believe what you believe?" and "why do you think these verses are lies?"

14 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - Official Response To: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for commenting, Linda. I would say that seems to be a pretty wide and blanket statement. What, specifically, do you disagree with?

14 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - HealthCare for you, yo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for commenting! I KNEW you were a "rule follower" :-)

14 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - HealthCare for you, yo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Providing some more info. I received from another friend. An AP article discussing Facts and Myths about the HealthCare Reform Bill - interesting read...

14 years ago @ 1 Peter 2:Nine10 | NAT... - HealthCare for you, yo... · 1 reply · +1 points

Just providing info. that was sent to me. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm trying to stay neutral during this discussion so all sides and opinions can be heard. (excerpt below)

Abortion is NOT Healthcare

In the midst of the fight over health care reform, a battle has also been raging over abortion. The Senate-passed version of health reform—the version the Majority is attempting to get to the President through whatever means possible—contains an unprecedented expansion of taxpayer funded abortion and will put thousands of unborn lives at risk. Making matters worse, the Majority Leadership in the House have made it clear that they do NOT intend to include the House-passed pro-life Stupak/Pitts amendment.
In fact, it has been reported that some Democratic members are telling Congressman Stupak that, “If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. That’s one of the arguments I’ve been hearing,” Stupak says. The value of human life can never be reduced to dollars and cents. Have you ever heard anything so blatantly dismissive of human life?
• Under this bill, federal funds can be used for elective abortions at Community Health Centers around the country.

• Under this bill, federal funds will be used to subsidize health plans that cover abortions.

• Under this bill, federal power will be used to force Americans to pay for other people’s abortions even if they are morally opposed.
WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: If this bill becomes law, your hard earned tax dollars will now be used to subsidize abortion.
THE DOCTOR'S DIAGNOSIS: Research shows that federal abortion restrictions have saved millions of lives. Changing longstanding abortion precedent will put thousands of unborn babies at risk. Ending human life should NOT be part of the conversation on health care reform.
As this process unfolds, I will continue to work to represent you, bring common sense to this debate, protect life from conception to death, and do all I can to prevent bad policy from becoming law

Member of Congress
(end excerpt) - thoughts? - NM