


166 comments posted · 1 followers · following 6

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Allegiant Air announce... · 0 replies · -1 points

You got lucky...when I looked a little bit ago the $20 tickets are all gone!!!

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Police: Warren parents... · 0 replies · +2 points

Happy Birthday little boy!!! Wow...these parents are irresponsible and they need some parenting classes and maybe some communication skills!!!! I hope the boy is safe with his foster parents and I wish the BEST for that little child!

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Contrasting futures fo... · 0 replies · -1 points

"St. Joseph County Prosecutor Michael Dvorak said Monday that aside for being sex crimes, he did not believe the two cases were similar." what that it was a family member in one case...heck thats even worse!!!! We trust our family more then a stranger!!!! That is even worse as far as I am concerned!!! Most sex crimes are done by someone you know FACT! Both deserve HARSH punishments and not for day junk! Throw them in jail and throw away the key!

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Community college comp... · 0 replies · -1 points

I for one took courses at Ivy Tech and transferred to IUSB. My reasoning??? Because classes are cheaper at Ivy Tech so my financial aid went further ...I took my basic core classes and since they do not have my field of study there at Ivy Tech I transferred to IUSB for the classes toward my degree! Many students do the same!

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Teen injured in drive-... · 0 replies · 0 points

I hope this teen recovers completely and the suspects are caught and tried in a court of law!

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Anti-abortion billboar... · 2 replies · +1 points

I agree with you Mish that there are too many children out there that would love to have homes and families! Too many people out there want babies not teens and that is sad! Its kind of like the little puppy in the pet store...soo cute...then when it gets big its less desirable since its not so cute to those people anymore! I am Pro Choice! I personally would not choose abortion but, in order for those women that are pregnant due to rape or insest then abortion needs to be legal! OUR tax dollars SHOULD NOT cover abortion EVER! These billboards are WAY over the 9 year old son should not have to be subjected to that and neither should my 3 year old neighbor girl!

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Accused teen murderer ... · 0 replies · +4 points

My thoughts are with the family and friends of these two souls! I am not going to judge the boy or the grandfather for that matter. Without the facts no one has any way of knowing if the boy was just or unjust! I just wish everyone the best and I have to trust in our judicial system!

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Cab driver targeted by... · 0 replies · +1 points

They never did catch the guy who stabbed the cab driver on LW in mishawaka...wonder if it could have been related? Just for an update on that cab driver...he is doing much better...he will not have full use of his hand but he is gaining more and more use of it so far. The scars on his hand look minimal thanks to a great surgeon he had!

Hopefully they catch these idiots!!!

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Gas leak closes Mishaw... · 0 replies · +4 points

This was my neighbors son's house. Lucky is right...I believe he told me that his son has 5 kids and a wife and they were all home!

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Authorities weigh char... · 1 reply · +1 points

Why are they even posting this story again? There is NO FACTS here and it reads about the same as the first story posted! IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY FACTS THEN WHY REPORT? This makes the reader frustrated and annoyed! We know the babies have passed away and that is VERY sad and my thoughts and prayers are with loved ones left behind