A problem is no longer a problem when people forget that it's there. Personally, I think that having a mayor who lies about having sex with boys seriously discredits our fine city, as does his city council buddies who pretend it never happened. I will keep this fresh in everyone's minds until the next election. After that, there will be no point in bringing it up.
She's hot. Can I get her phone #?
Here we go again; parks being trashed, toilets broken, bicycles stolen, windows smashed, sidewalks urinated on, and molotov cocktails being thrown. According to Sammy, Randy, Danny, Nicky, and Mandy, these are all protected as "free speech", just like lying about having sex with teenage boys
"...Bassett said he represented Powell free of charge because "every parent deserves the right to an attorney."..." I'm not sure who I detest the most; the judge who thought this was a good idea, or the attorney.
With Sammy, Randy, Danny, Nicky, and Mandy doing their best to make Portland the homeless capital of the world and the meth capital of the world, I'm surprise that this doesn't happen more often. Poor kid; I hope the new chair works out for him, and maybe he'll still get his old chair back.
Like my Grandpa used to say; "Falling will never hurt you. It's the sudden stop at the end that you need to be concerned about".
I thought Portland was a sanctuary city. Oh, wait; that's only for Mexican illegals, not American citizens...
I'm still trying to figure out how Sammy, Randy, Danny, Nicky, and Mandy think that "free speech" includes trashing parks, breaking statues, smashing toilets, stealing bicycles, overdosing on drugs, urinating in public, throwing molotov cocktails, and having sex with teen-age boys.
Or the Kinks; "...Walks like a woman, talks like a man, that's Lola... L O L O Lola..."
The guy who didn't get away had the misfortune of being named Chase!? LOL!