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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Texas Guitar Slinger · 0 replies · +1 points

Me too! I would rescue the MBR 1959 Sputnik light fixture too!

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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Texas Guitar Slinger · 2 replies · +1 points

Like that too and the energy but what do all those spiky things do for that?

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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - What's Your Favorite S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Riverside homes?

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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Texas Guitar Slinger · 0 replies · +2 points

Haven't been up to much, just family stuff and no time for internet. Miss you!

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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Texas Guitar Slinger · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Birder! I've been in and out of the internet. There have been some unusual birds around our house probably because of construction south and east of us. Glad you had fun. And maybe you're right about the music!

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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Texas Guitar Slinger · 4 replies · +1 points

yes very nice car and the cash option would work nicely too :-) but I do love this house

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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - The Texas Guitar Slinger · 0 replies · +1 points

Ha ha ha that's what internet radio is for: it tells us who the artist is and the name of the song as does the app shazam! I need both sometimes

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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - What's Your Favorite S... · 0 replies · +1 points

ha ha ha! Both our cars are now "dog cars" even though K's newer car was originally designated the dog-free car LOL. I don't drive mine much because I don't drive much but it is still there for vet trips and my necessary trips. Can't walk anywhere from here!

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9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - What's Your Favorite S... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm late to the game again but my favorite space is the Screened Porch which seems so tranquil with the water feature right outside (can it support fish you think?) Second would be the ADA compliant accessible guest room (although I think it needs rails for support in a few places) thanks for including those features! Third would be the cozy spaces in the loft, very inviting with room for rambunctious parties.

9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - What's Your Favorite S... · 2 replies · +1 points

If one has two cars (I know wasteful unless you really NEED two cars like two working people) then there would be one space for a guest car to park. I think most people have two cars (or more) around here LOL!