


6 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ elephant journal: Yoga... - elephant outs yoga tea... · 0 replies · +1 points

They got me for a minute, too! I was multitasking (tsk, tsk, I know...) and forgot what day it was, even though I'd seen dozens of April Fools jokes already :-P

10 years ago @ elephant journal: Yoga... - elephant outs yoga tea... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's April 1 :-)

12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Another Metro Derailment · 0 replies · +3 points

Your comment made me laugh so much that I read this entire article aloud to my husband, just so I could read him your comment. (He got a kick out of it as well.) Then I realized I went to high school with you! So... Hi!

12 years ago @ Daily Camera.com: - Tracks spotted of Boul... · 0 replies · +1 points

CORRECTED LINK for reviewing and tagging satellite images: http://tomnod.com/gi/peru

The link in the article only works if you copy and paste it. It's hyperlinked incorrectly, so clicking it takes you to page that doesn't exist.

For context, a discussion of this effort is ongoing here: http://www.supertopo.com/climbing/thread.php?topi...

12 years ago @ Naked Security - What you need to know ... · 1 reply · +4 points

Hi Celia and Diana, emails sent to your @facebook.com account go to your Facebook messages: https://www.facebook.com/messages/

One of the things I find most problematic about this whole thing is that in many cases, this will result in your never seeing the message. Unless the email is sent from an address that one of your Facebook friends has included (hidden or not) in their Facebook timeline, the email will go to your 'Other' inbox. You don't get notifications for messages in your 'Other' inbox, nor will you see them in your main Messages inbox. You have to click on the 'Other' option under 'Messages' in the left hand menu to see these messages, which almost always means these messages are missed. And depending on your privacy settings, the email may not even get to your 'Other' inbox, just get returned to sender with an automated rejection message from Facebook.

As an independent consultant, I want to be as easy to get a hold of as possible. I keep my Facebook Timeline public, including an email address that I check regularly. By removing my email address from my Timeline and switching it out with one that doesn't even work, Facebook's making it harder for potential clients (who I don't know yet, which is why they don't have my email address already) to reach me. AUGH.

12 years ago @ http://www.funcheaporf... - \"Spare-second cleanin... · 0 replies · +1 points

I come via Pinterest, as well :-) Seems like breaking up the work into mini-chores would probably reduce the overall amount of motivation needed to do all of them. Thanks for sharing this great idea!