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14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 06 ... · 0 replies · +2 points
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 06 ... · 2 replies · +2 points
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 06 ... · 0 replies · +2 points
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 06 ... · 6 replies · +3 points
I've dropped 65 pounds since the first of the year. Food choices were based on lower glycemic choices and I based my quantities on how much would it take to feed my goal weight of 150lb. I didn't need two plates of food to feed 150 lbs, so I started cutting out the second one. I had flipped a mental switch in Dec(my 46th birthday), so I had a commitment this time that I hadn't in previous years. I ate a lot of meals with my family, but I took responsibility for how much I ate.....nobody was shoving it in my face but me :) If they had baked potatoes, I had a salad instead. I didn't worry about anyone else in the family doing it with me...I couldn't "flip their switch". As I learn more, I've been moving more towards healthy eating. As the weight loss started to be noticeable, I started to feel like I had some control in my life again. That gave me a bit of leverage to start looking at what else I could actually control(my hate level) and maybe even more importantly, what I couldn't control. I could go on and on, but my posts turn out way too long anyway :)
I read a lot of great stuff here about exercise......one thing that came to mind was how Brian talked in one of the notes about the "baby steps" could be as simple as parking on the far side of the grocery store parking lot. If you can't find the time or motivation to do 15min of exercise, then maybe start with taking one flight of stairs each day, or park a couple spots further away. Probably more important than the physical benefit is the mental benefit from knowing that you made that choice intentionally and you have control. Some days, you may choose to park even farther away or take two flights of stairs. The act of making a commitment to do that one baby step of parking farther away is the real gain in the process. It puts you in control and starts to give you leverage on making further changes. The physical benefit of parking farther away is almost secondary when starting out, but it is a baby step in the direction of getting more movement in each day.....at least that's my take on it :)
Several months ago, I started walking on my breaks and lunch at work instead of taking naps. The awesome part for me about that is that I don't have to give up any time at home to get my "movement" in for the day :) I'm still tempted some days to take a nap at lunch...and a couple of days I did....I probably needed the rejuvenation more than the movement that day. :)
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 03 ... · 0 replies · +1 points
I've got a lot of stuff running through my head as I read this, but I'll try to keep it short :)
It sounds to me like you already have the "hard" part down. At least for me, the "ideas" are the heart and soul of what you want to do. The writing skills will come with time or can be learned. For that matter, you can always get a writing partner to help with that. I was thinking about all the Bio's of famous people that are co-written by someone else. The famous person brings all the history, stories, ideas to the table and the writer makes it all readable. Anyway....if you love to do it, then do it......A LOT!!!! ...and you'll naturally get good at it. Wasn't it Einstein that didn't know his multiplication tables? He said he didn't want to clutter up his brain with the simple stuff he could find out from anyone. Only you can come up with your ideas....but I think you have a lot of options when it comes to the writing end of things. As I write this, I realize that it really kinda correlates with what be my zone of genius. In my situation, I would be the "writer"....not the "idea" person. So, maybe you'll find someone who has writing as their zone of genius and you two will make an awesome team!!! Just a thought :)
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 03 ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Let us know how it goes :) I'm not as familiar with the "upper limiting" stuff past the PN's so I'm a bit curious to hear how you use that with this situation.
Sounds like you get another chance to learn how to use your tools, or put another piece of the puzzle together, so in my book, it's a great day!! :)
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 03 ... · 2 replies · +1 points
To both of you wonderful ladies....my heart felt Thank You!!!!
I dare not ask the question "How can my heart be any fuller" right now....not sure the seams can take it!! :)
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 03 ... · 0 replies · +1 points
When it comes to actually "teaching" something that's more of a "doing" kind of thing(like playing the guitar), a lot of teachers teach(especially with children) through demonstration anyway. Hold up 3 apples and take one away to teach(demonstrate) subtraction.
I think you can instruct an adult to "do" the same job you do, but if you want them to do it with the same integrity, you have to demonstrate that part of it.
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 03 ... · 0 replies · +1 points
I think we're all beginners :) Since we all have the potential for unlimited growth, you could say that at any given moment, we're just starting out.
14 years ago @ MindValley Library - My Library - 432 - 03 ... · 5 replies · +1 points
As for following through on the work....I've been mulling this over for a bit to see if it holds any water. It's still a question in progress :) I've been looking at it as a way to help explain my procrastination in other areas, too. You've heard about fear of failure and fear of success. For me, I wonder if it's that black and white. I'm quite familiar with failure, or at least I feel like I am. I'm not particularly afraid of it. It's almost a zone of comfort, if you will. It's easier to give into failure before even starting anything. I think a lot of people can relate to that. When it comes to fear of success, I'm not sure that's something I'm actually afraid of. When I first heard the idea many years ago, it seemed to resonate, but I think maybe it was just a new view that gave me a bit of hope that there was a different reason besides fear of failure. I've come to the realization that I've never experienced enough success to be afraid of it. They say there are some huge draw backs to winning the lottery, but since I haven't won it, I just can't see any from where I'm standing! :) So.....I'm wondering if maybe, just maybe, it's fear of accountability.....or something similar(which is why it's a question in progress). Fear of accountability is, for me, that once I start to build a better me and it becomes outwardly noticeable, I'm afraid that I won't be able to maintain and everyone will notice......thereby holding me accountable to walk the talk and I worry if I can. Maybe like an alcoholic feels at an AA meeting when he knows he's had a drink and is afraid that everyone will find out and judge him. As my light gets brighter, I'm almost afraid to let it shine. Everyone, especially at work, knows just what a ball of hate I've been for so many years. In fact, my wife and I were just talking about this not 5 min ago as I was getting some coffee(my one cup for the week :) .... Our co-workers(we work together everyday) are having a hard time with the "new" me. She said a lot of them are starting to say they think there should be a "middle" me.....one that only shines half as much. Which is kinda funny considering that I've been intentionally holding back at work just so they don't think I'm on drugs!! I told her that it was their problem...not mine!! I know for a fact that most of them don't have a good opinion of themselves......and I'm getting pretty good at not caring what they think of me. It's their job to play "catch up" and get used to me, not mine to compromise for them. BUT!!!! The more I put myself out there, the more "accountable" I feel I become to follow through. I've been "up" before and the following "down" was crushing!!! And they all felt it and paid for it!! Picture the most pissed off, hateful person you've ever met....that was me, everyday! I wasn't as bad at home, but if I was a negative 10 at work, I probably only made it up to about a negative 4 at home. Trust me....my wife has felt more than her fair share of my bad moods since she see's me 24/7. There's been a huge shift at home and work and she's playing catch up too! She's seen my up times over the last 27 years(this coming friday :) so it's not quite as much of a change for her as it is for the people at work, who've seen me down for most of the last 3-1/2 years. I've been up before, for a few months, but I've always gone way down. I'm afraid of being held accountable to staying up. At least that's the best way I've found to describe it so far. If I lose some footing and slip a bit in front of someone, I feel like they'll be pointing their finger saying "See!!! You're a fake. A fraud! You're not really walking the talk!!" I don't spend a lot of time worrying about this or even thinking about it, but I have mulled it over a bit to see if maybe that would help to explain why I inch my way forward instead of running.
I'm hoping some of that made some sense. From your post, I can see that I want to make the time to check out Gay's book!!! Sounds like it's right up my alley. Thanks for sharing about it. Brian has highlighted at least 30-40 books that I'd like to read. You sharing on here has helped me narrow the choice of which to start with! :)
I hope you have an awesome day!! I know I'm going to!! :) ......if only because I expect to!!