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14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Big Leap By Gay He... · 3 replies · +2 points

way to go's my thumb though i see we are already at 7 so bring on your video!

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Big Leap By Gay He... · 3 replies · +1 points

yes gem yes! I was once called "Hyper competent" as a child and I took it as a warning that I had better knock it off and turn the rheostat down on the light otherwise I was going to make other people feel bad. Thank goodness we know better now. Light rocks!
Thank you for your note and have a shining day sister!

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Big Leap By Gay He... · 1 reply · +6 points

Aloha Tribe...


And that would be the sound of the rolled up morning paper hitting me on the head as a wake up call. Dang it. Ive been whistling breezily in the excellence zone for sure. I have been increasingly aware over the last year that there was some indefinable thing holding me back from taking my business, which is also my VISION MISSION, to the astronomically genius level. I have been rewarded on so many levels for playing in the excellence zone, or comfort zone, yet it did not feel quite right.... almost as if I was cheating somehow.

With this powerful image of having made a handshake deal with the Universe at birth to play in our genius zone I can now put an answer to the discomfort and structural tension I have felt between:


It has been this gap of my self imposed limits that has been causing the discomfort.

This note has been the most powerful one for me so far so I am going to publicly admit to what has been holding me back in the service of obliterating this limitation.
Any support orinsight you might have to offer would be greatly appreciated.

Here it is ...deep breath...I have had a deep aversion to being a RECOGNIZABLE PUBLIC PERSON which the next level of my business is calling me to do. That sentence was really hard to write. But there it is. The world has been tugging on me for years to bust a bigger move and this is the year, I FEEL it ( and I am already working diligently and consistently on it now!) The GAP is closing and I feel like a LOVE Ninja because of it.
Thank you Vishen, Brian, Tribe and Gay. Let's pay it forward!

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Big Leap By Gay He... · 0 replies · +1 points

hahahahha to the mediation seat...AHOY MATEY!

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Big Leap By Gay He... · 1 reply · +1 points

Jayney as a fellow female business owner I want to celebrate you for your insight here. this is huge and I know this year will be a breaktrough year for you given what you have shared with us today. We all wnat and need your greatness! Rock it sister!

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Big Leap By Gay He... · 2 replies · +2 points

Tom, you made me laugh here with your chair example ( spinning plushness indeed) and I LOVE that the sweaty 10 minute conversation you are going to have is with your Unconscous. Brilliant, delightful and Inspirational! Sending you my invisible support as you go go Genius Zone Gadget! Here is to a powerful day!

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - How To Stop Worrying A... · 1 reply · +1 points

thank you Tom for asking the question, "Am I making my work harder than it is?" I am going to work with that question today.

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - How To Stop Worrying A... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Innerlimits
Um...can I steal your user name?? Love it!

I also will remember that the heart rests 15 out of 24 hours as a reminder that the Universe gets things done with such ease. Thanks!

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - How To Stop Worrying A... · 2 replies · +1 points

Yes I love that powerful combination that you echo here:
Work +Accept.
I believe
Have a powerful day!

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - How To Stop Worrying A... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yes Sister! I am with you as a fellow practitioner of Yoga ( and also the Ayurvedic principles which I study, live , and teach)
Love that you offer the breath solution here to our peeps. Thank you.

sat nam!