


432 comments posted · 10 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - President Obama Backs ... · 6 replies · +4 points

Sorry but this topic makes me crazy. The Federal government has no jurisdiction on marriage — it is 100% defined by the state you're married in (which is why they say "the powers invested in my by the State of _____...").

All the Feds can do is recognize it on tax forms and extend benefits to its married and partnered employees. So, as a logical person trained in the legal profession (and a sitting President in an election year), he can only really comment on his home state's marriage laws. After all, the President never weighs in on age of content for marriage, waiting period rules, divorce and family court laws, or any other legal part of getting married and unmarried. Heck, even commenting on polygamy gets the President in trouble.

You KNOW he's for gay marriage. And, now that he's said as such, the right-winger bloggers will be all over his Muslim-Commie butt, quoting Jefferson on States' rights, and telling you how he's now ready to destroy marriage and your right to marry and divorce as many times as you please.

There is no easy fix for this issue. No magic wand that will make the country agree. Marriage is a state-level issue, and will need to be fought state by state. There are no shortcuts.

Great graph from Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2012/...

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Help Create the Modern... · 0 replies · +3 points

Does this serve double-duty in North Carolina as a primer for turning your gay son straight? If so, you forgot the ditch. (I guess it could also work for turning your straight girl gay.)

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Help Create the Modern... · 1 reply · +3 points

The bar needs to be set a little higher...I'm almost through half of the card. Now, writing my name in the snow would be pretty damn near impossible for me.

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Thursday Open Thread · 0 replies · +2 points

[youtube G__DnC_aD3o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G__DnC_aD3o youtube]

And what are YOU doing this weekend?

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Ghosts in the Gallerie... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ditto. Reading UK history (and gossipy) was a favorite pastime for many years (still reading, but I'm trying to branch out now). I still find the religious forces behind the history, and especially in Tudor and Stuart times, fascinating. The wild pendulum swings between the "true religion" and "Lutheran heresy" shaped so much of the culture, and still does today both in the US and the UK. (My ancestors in New Amsterdam were arrested for harboring Quakers — which were the only sect that Stuyvesant wouldn't tolerate. And, if you met a true Puritan today, he would probably be considered a home-grown terrorist.)

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Women Believe All of S... · 0 replies · +2 points

So she wants us all to be Orthodox Jews?

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Women Believe All of S... · 1 reply · +7 points

I look forward to breaking all the above rules daily. Thanks for the list — it helps me stay organized.

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Wednesday Open Thread · 0 replies · +2 points

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Wednesday Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Beats "Jews for Jesus" any day.

12 years ago @ Crasstalk - Wednesday Open Thread · 3 replies · +6 points

So Briebart's coroner dies of arsenic poisoning (whut?) the day after Briebart's autopsy is released. Cue the right-wing conspiracy theorists and book me a ticket to anywhere else...