


153 comments posted · 3 followers · following 21

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - Review of FileZilla - ... · 0 replies · +1 points

yeah its simple enough and full of features that anyone can use it. If you can leave a comment here, find out that your iq is 30, then using filezilla won't be a big deal :)

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - Windows Vista : Use yo... · 0 replies · +1 points

well, ram is always faster than using hard disk. so eventually your computer will use harddisk for graphics memory, but it won't make much difference...

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - How I got my blog inde... · 0 replies · +1 points

well, it takes around couple of months before you get a PR...

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - Pirated Windows 7 is a... · 0 replies · +1 points

there is no harm in using open source softwares.
Use Ubuntu Linux (its easy these days... damn easy) and is part of it... so why pay for all that.
piracy is illegal... lets not try to defend it.

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - AVAST ANTIVIRUS HOME E... · 0 replies · +1 points

buddy. I believe that you should try avast once again. Its detection rate is much higher and better than others. on the contrary try using Comodo antivirus/firewall

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - Windows Vista : Use yo... · 1 reply · +1 points

then what is it??? Have you checked the sources mentioned in the post???

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - Review of FeedDemon - ... · 0 replies · +1 points

yeah.. but have you tried feeddemon?? its fast and integrates well with Google reader!

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - Lets not get the gift ... · 0 replies · 0 points

install comodo antivirus & firewall. Its free and awesome!

13 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - Four ways of sending a... · 0 replies · +1 points

There is nothing you can do. I would suggest that just use good spam filtering tools. And dont try to contact the scammers.

14 years ago @ ReviewSaurus - The Tec... - 4 ways of converting t... · 0 replies · +1 points

no that is not an option until you have the compatibility pack installed -