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15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: UK\'s rul... · 0 replies · +1 points


15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: UK\'s rul... · 4 replies · +2 points

In response to Hesperado:

The irony is that what the left calls minorities represent nearly 90% of the world population and growing. This overwhelming percentage acts as a unified body, or "people of color," only in its race to liquidate European peoples. English are just as ethnic as Arabs, for instance, but the English are blacklisted by the left even in England while Arabs are feted by the left, hand always ready for another bribe or vote.

Muslims pour into already overcrowded England. England can fit into the palm of most Muslim countries, yet virtually no culturally English people move to them. The effect is England is disappearing. Currently, there will not always be an England, other than a placename, if that.

So why is the "progressive" left hellbent on physically expanding the world of medieval, misogynist, intolerant culture, while offering no defense of true progressive cultures, like England's? That is the question.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: UK\'s rul... · 1 reply · +3 points

Yep. Good site.
The irony is that what the left calls minorities represent nearly 90% of the world population and growing. This overwhelming percentage acts as a unified body, or "people of color," only in their race to liquidate European peoples. English are just as ethnic as Arabs, for instance, but the English are blacklisted by the left even in England while Arabs are feted by the left, hand always ready for another bribe or vote.

Muslims pour into England. England can fit into the palm of most Muslim countries, yet virtually no culturally English people move to them. The effect is England is disappearing. Currently, there will not always be an England, other than a placename, if that.

So why is the "progressive" left hellbent on physically expanding the world of medieval, misogynist, intolerant culture, and offers no defense of true progressive cultures, like England's? That is the question.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: UK\'s rul... · 6 replies · +12 points

This "racist" label is being used as a club on anyone who displays a sense of cultural preservation for a blacklisted culture, like the English.

True racism is a dead pseudo-scientific theory that has no support by any sizeable population. It proved to be as bogus as phrenology, and vastly more destructive.

Phony racism is now the "bogeyman" the left uses againts the new Other--the culturally English, i.e., "If you don't vote for the Labour (anti-English) platform, then the bogeyman will get ya."

Preserving a culture--it's people, ideas, and land--is not racism. New genes and ideas can enter a culture and still preserve the integrity and evolution of the culture if it is done in a intelligent manner. This is not being done when the native culture is rapidly shrinking and an entirely foreign one is replacing it.

What is happening to England is cultural genocide, and politicians who are behind it are spiritually criminal fiends of the worst order. They should be held legally criminal as well, sooner the better in order to save a decent, advanced society from the spector of domination by bloodlusting, irrational mullahs.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Indonesia... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is part of the inappropriately named Christiane Amanpour's "Generation Islam". Here's the sickening intro:

"9/11 taught the U.S. that it ignores rising Muslim resentment at its own peril. America can't have another generation of Muslims who hate it. Is it possible to win the hearts and minds of Muslim youth?"

Yes, we had 9/11 coming, since Muslims "resent" us. It's our fault. We need to do the work to win their "hearts", not them.

How can even a Islamist or apologist write such a bizarre and disgusting line and expect to pull it off? Are they on acid? Are they really that screwed up? What CNN stooge would let such sicking type make it to production?

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Spencer: ... · 2 replies · +4 points

Under normal circumstances, if someone says another person threatened to kill him or her, the threat is considered a crime. With Islam, the first reaction of psuedo-tolerant dhimmis is to suspect the threatened person of being an Islamophobe.

So, Keystone Cops: Is this girl an Islamophobe?

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Dhimmitud... · 5 replies · +4 points

200 people killed over cartoons.

It's interesting to note that Islamists murdered more people over these cartoons then the Klan has murdered in the last 80 years combined.

Yet the new administration says the latter is the main threat to democracy, while practically denying the former exists.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Conservat... · 0 replies · +2 points

Okay, that make sense. I almost forgot about that fool.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Conservat... · 2 replies · +1 points

Maybe I'm unfamiliar with your usual position here, but it sounds like you are indirectly referring to Robert Spencer, implying he is really calling all the speakers jihad enablers.
I suggest just say who you mean, to clear it up.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Indonesia... · 0 replies · +2 points

Israel is truly the beacon of light unto the world.

And it is a national disgrace for Canada not to have done this itself.

But nothing like the disgrace Muslims live in every single day of their lives.