Matt Galligan
34p42 comments posted · 316 followers · following 20
14 years ago @ VC Adventure - My Big Mac · 2 replies · +4 points
1Password - Keeps all of my passwords very secure and leaves me from having to remember them
Adium - The best chat app out there. Works with AIM, MSN, Gtalk, etc.
AppZapper - This is the "uninstaller that Apple forgot" - Pretty awesome. When you take a screenshot, it auto-uploads and auto-copies the link to your clipboard. Makes for super easy screenshot sharing. Tips on doing screenshots down below
Dropbox - I would die without this
Facebook Notifications - Very nice for keeping up with Facebook
Flip4Mac - This allows you to play WMV files using Quicktime
Google Chrome - Duh
Growl - This is awesome for on-screen notifications
iWork - Keynote is WAY better than PowerPoint
Perian - Adds more movie compatability
Pulsar - Not sure if you have Sirius but this is a great way to listen
The Unarchiver - Allows you to unzip more than just ZIP files.
Transmission - Great torrent downloader
Transmit - Excellent FTP client
Command (⌘) instead of Control - This is true for most things. For instance:
⌘+Q - Quit app
⌘+W - Close window
⌘+TAB - Tab through open apps
⌘+C - Copy
⌘+V - Paste
⌘+Space - Activate Spotlight (this search is your friend)
Screenshot -
⌘ + Shift + 3 - Screenshots the entire screen
⌘ + Shift + 4 - Select an area to screenshot
⌘ + Shift + 4 then Spacebar - Allows you to screenshot any window you click on
Exposé is your FRIEND
* If you have tons of windows open hit F3, it will show you all open windows. This can also be done by putting four fingers on the trackpad and scrolling down.
* I use Hot Corners religiously. Basically whenever I hit a corner with my mouse, it does an action. These can be configured in System Preferences -> Exposé & Spaces
Keyboard Shortcuts
If you don't like a keyboard shortcut in an app you can change it. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Hit the "+" icon and then choose the app you want. Tell it what the menu calls the function (like "Select Next Tab") and then assign a key combination.
Hope this helps!
15 years ago @ Matt Galligan - Why isn't website sear... · 1 reply · +1 points
Think about searching a website (like Facebook, where it's authenticated search) from anywhere...
15 years ago @ Matt Galligan - Why isn't website sear... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Foundry Group - Pogoplug: Make your ha... · 0 replies · +1 points
A couple of reasons:
Storing data in the cloud is great, but can sometimes be unreliable. If you cut out the middle man, and allow a device to connect directly to a computer or storage device, then you're way better off.
Also, in the event that you have a computer running just so that you can have data accessible (like through Soonr), that's a computer that has to stay running (and seemingly reliable) for 24/7. The Pogoplug means that I can plug in a simple USB hard drive and just let it do its things. Now I don't have rely on Dropbox or the like to "trust" that things got synced. Also, since it's in my own closed network, I can trust that only I can access the data, and it's not stored in the cloud somewhere.
Lastly, have you ever tried to upload 80 gigs of music to the cloud? Yeah, not so much fun. BUT, it's something that I'd love to do because it'd make my music library far more "up to date" across all of my computers.
Not to mention someone that's on the go like me, where I'd love to be able to access all of the photos and video I take no matter where I'm at.
This is great stuff.
15 years ago @ Socialthing! blog - Times, They Are A Chan... · 2 replies · +2 points
Socialthing "For Websites" is a wholly different project and team altogether. The other team, that is working on the Lifestreaming part of Socialthing has been the same all along (pre and post acquisition).
Right now, there was no way that the original infrastructure that was built for would have ever been able to support a userbase as large as AOL has. So the (original) Socialthing team has been cranking on the new back end to support many more users. Alternatively, another team had been created to build the Socialthing for Websites product.
Hope this helps...
15 years ago @ Socialthing! blog - Times, They Are A Chan... · 0 replies · +2 points
15 years ago @ Socialthing! blog - Time for an update... · 0 replies · +1 points
Please check out our most recent blog post to see what's going on.
We've been very inactive, but mostly because we've had to keep our mouths shut about what we're working on. Hoping that as we get new things up and running, we'll keep you very informed...
Thanks for your support...
15 years ago @ Socialthing! blog - Time for an update... · 0 replies · +1 points
The sole reason that nothing has changed was because it was completely intentional. We simply aren't able to support the old site while we build a back end that can support hundreds of million users.
We fully recognize that the other "competitors" in this space are doing great things...after the purchase by AOL, our roadmap changed completely, so that we might bring Lifestreaming to the masses and go big with it...
15 years ago @ Mendelson's Musings - So Cal Food Adventures · 1 reply · +1 points
Good choice!
16 years ago @ Socialthing! blog - Time for an update... · 0 replies · 0 points