


69 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Angry in the Great Whi... - Would you take financi... · 0 replies · +3 points

And if he hadn't panicked and sold out, he would not have lost his money.

13 years ago @ Angry in the Great Whi... - The Subsidy Announceme... · 0 replies · +1 points

I got 10 yrs on you as a tax preparer but I echo your comments. I have never had a liberal donation, and only 1 for the ndp.once.

13 years ago @ CanadianSense - Coalition To Face Wrat... · 0 replies · +2 points

Best part of the singing of O Canada, it was all in ENGLISH. Bet Bennett didn't like that.

13 years ago @ Angry in the Great Whi... - The Liberal-NDP-Bloc c... · 0 replies · +1 points

To those that talk about England's coalition, the party that got the most votes are leading it.
The coaliton that ignatieff is planning will not include the party with the most seats.
Duceppe sure appears to be very flushed when he is speaking and waving that letter.
Shouldn;t those liberal mps be out campaigning in their own ridings instead of holding their leaders coat tails at every stop.
What is with the liberals and modes of transportation, faulty plane arrangements, broken down bus, and remember Martin in that sleigh that broke down.

13 years ago @ Angry in the Great Whi... - The Liberal-NDP-Bloc c... · 0 replies · +2 points

How many votes did the conservative govt get last election. That is a lot of people for iggy, layton, may, duceppe to call stupid, ignorant.

13 years ago @ CanadianSense - Ignatieff's Coalition ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Considering that the liberals have lost around 100 seats in the last three election, I think the PM will get a majority of over 160 seats, and the liberals will end up with around 50. I can dream can't I. I would like to see Layton as the opposition leader, just because.
My real dream is iggy takes his liberals to the same kind of defeat Kim C suffered, losing his own seat. My problem is what 2 libs should be elected and would they stay or quit in disgrace.

13 years ago @ Angry in the Great Whi... - Michael Ignatieff leav... · 0 replies · +3 points

How many votes did the conservative govt get last election. That is a lot of people for iggy, layton, may, duceppe to call stupid, ignorant.
When they insult our PM they insult us. Wonder if they think of that.
Re the coalition and the attempt of the media to sell it to us. Any country that has a coalition govt has a coalition that includes the party that got the most seats. Anyone planning or participating in a coalition without the winner is really planning a coup to overthrow the legally elected govt.
If we don't get a majority and just an increased minority, and the same coalition parties are elected with fewer seats, would they support this minority or plan to overthrow the govt. The GG could and should tell them NO, and call another election asap.
Considering the leadership losers can't or wont pay their debts, their party figure a great way to get rid of their leader is have cdns pay for it via an election.
I have had calls today from BC, and Northern AB and local and all of them said, I am tired of the games these idiots play, we need a majority conservative govt so we can finally get things done. And, hopefully iggy meets Kim C.s fate for his party.

13 years ago @ CanadianSense - Conservative 2012 · 0 replies · +2 points

Will Layton allow iggy to tell his voters to switch and vote liberal. Going from 77 seats to around 140 means the ndp would be wiped out. He will not get many, if any, seats from our side. There is Layton running to be PM, where will he get 100 seats, other than wiping out the liberals, and he will still be 30 seats short.
Neither iggy or Layton will get many seats from the Bloc.
Linda Duncan, too bad about your pension. There was no motion on contempt of parliament, it was on non confidence only.

13 years ago @ Angry in the Great Whi... - My wish for a Green-fr... · 0 replies · +9 points

I hope the PM refuses an all leaders debate and tells the coalition to practice what it preaches, one leader against the PM. Let the coalition leaders have a debate among themselves, and no lizzie may.
Has she paid any attention to how often Helena got attention in the HofC, or that other independent. What could she accomplish as a lone green mp. I don't thing the coalition members have realized that they will be silenced should they form govt. They can only answer questions, not ask. Only a few will be ministers, and why would a conservative MP ask a bloc mp anything. All those backbenchers will just need to show up to vote present.
I don't think it will happen, we will get a majority.

13 years ago @ CanadianSense - Coalition Platform 201... · 0 replies · +1 points

Iceman, how many hockey games would you attend in Quebec, and how often.
I don't think any major funding for anything should go to Quebec until they vote a huge no to a referendum to separate. Anything under 80% would not be a clear message they would become canadian in every sense of the word.