


4 comments posted · 4 followers · following 1

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Administrator of DISCI... · 0 replies · +1 points

You rock as a mom :)

I was getting cold feet about moving but after a certain event kind of pushed me back into the idea... so I may be coming up there this summer to look around.

16 years ago @ DasBecca - True mom confessions. · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm oddly attached to the truth show. Yesterday a guy lied and lost all of his money and a guy on the first show also. The first show the question was "have you ever touched a female client(he was a personal trainer) inappropriately?" he said no and they said he was lying... his marriage probably wasn't gonna do to well after that. Last night the question was "when you were modeling did you ever stuff your underwear to make you look bigger?" he said no...liar. The girl before him was BORING because she was a good Christian girl and had no significant other. They must hand pick the people and their friends/family MUST rat them out because you don't just happen to ask questions pertaining to them.

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Happy endings. · 0 replies · +1 points

p.s. i like the new comment system!

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Happy endings. · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm an established Giants fan since 1983. I wore my Giants apparel proudly all year even when we were losing and heard trash talking from EVERYONE. Then we beat Tampa, then Dallas, then Packers... wait WHAT? I was at a party and was the only actual "giants fan" the rest were just rooting for them. My heart rate was at like 200 the entire 4th quarter when we got the TD at 35 seconds left I freaked outttttttttttttttttttttttttt. We started this mosh pit in the middle of my friend's boyfriend's living room. It was a dream. I'm trying to text and answer phone calls from all 4 of my family members (all in different places) my dad said the city was going INSANE. My brother lives across the water in Hoboken, NJ and there were riots breaking out because of all of the celebrating and they had to close off roads.

Us Giants fans, we bleed blue and red and I'm glad you could enjoy it with us!