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15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - fuck who-oah bands · 0 replies · +1 points

IntenseDebate Notifications wrote:
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> gurdonark commented on fuck who-oah bands
> - Lucas Gonze's
> blog :
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15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - groove shark · 0 replies · +1 points

This is an unfair comment. Either Grooveshark owes attribution to link sources or they don't, and they simply don't.

15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - groove shark · 1 reply · +1 points

Also, if somebody uploads a song, do you give attribution to the uploader? I can't find that.

15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - groove shark · 0 replies · +1 points

So this Hypebot story is inaccurate, Ben?

"Playable search engines like Grooveshark host no music, but rather grab it for play Google-like from across the web. Downloading is not enabled and unlike after a Google search, the location of the song files are never revealed."

15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - groove shark · 1 reply · +1 points

I don't think that's a reason to not attribute the source or provide a visible copy of the link, though.

15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - cliffhanger · 0 replies · +1 points

The hope is that it'll add a lot more power and flexibility to commenting. A better editor, threading, avatars, rating, etc. Also, the moderation tool can be used from email without logging into the site here, so I'll get better turnaround time when I'm not at my computer.

Very easy to back out, unlike Disqus, so if things don't work out I'll just deactivate it. But give it a little while.

15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - Unite is not Sucky Apache · 0 replies · +1 points

Greetings to OH, man. Give my best to Harvey Pekar.

Also, I think Devo are from there.

15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - music implications of ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Some sort of firewall transgression accessible to AJAX apps would totally rule, no doubt.

I've always wanted to do a truly RESTful decentralized network, so that instead of passing RPCs it passed documents. But that would have to be a more slowly developing topology. Less promiscuous, more stable. Maybe more like a private network.

15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - cliffhanger · 3 replies · +1 points

You mean they're gaming the system?

15 years ago @ Lucas Gonze's blog - cliffhanger · 0 replies · +1 points

The TV I watch includes a lot of lowbrow reality stuff too. The thing is that I don't watch tv during prime time, only at the end of the night, and at that point the good programming isn't available. And *that* seems like a really dumb problem to have, because I can watch whatever I want whenever I want on the net.